Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

175 RESULTS FOR: maria nagai
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A sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from the first month of the new year
In this edition, we find out how JULIA is still killing it at 38 while Ichika Matsumoto turns exclusive for another studio. Hot take, not to miss!
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Great Asses in JAV continues with the most popular and well known backsides in the history of the business. From big to small check out these superstar tushies in this jam packed edition.
A final summary of all the 2021 debuts that Oppaira has reviewed, picking his favourites in several categories
Welcome back to another edition of VR Digest where I take a look at a handful of enticing new VR releases and see how they stack up. In need of a recommendation? Look no further!
Busty maids, lots of tittyfucking and a juicy doujinshi adaptation are on the menu today for Pan Takes. Come join me to see what new JAV releases are worth a watch.
Join me as I once again take a look at some of the most notable JAV releases from the month of November and see whether they're worth a watch or better left behind.
The giant AV storefront has released their DVD Sales Rankings of 2023 so far. See whose the biggest sellers in all of JAV. From the very number one actress to all the way to 200.
Cool off from the summer heat with some new JAV releases that can't be beat. Read on to see which ones are worth a watch.
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A look at the top actresses and top DVDs from 2020 according to DMM, the largest Japanese JAV distributor
A first impression of 2022 debut actress Akari Azuma
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A look at the top selling videos and actresses from March 2021

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