Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

69 RESULTS FOR: mizuki yayoi
March is here bringing with it plenty of regular faces alongside a returning favorite in the busty milf Ai Kano. Join me to see if her return is worth your time or if it's best left behind.
Japanese Comedy Duo appearing in AV? Maria Ozawa lands a role in a Philippine TV show and S1's new busty actress Yu Tano causing IDs to float. Find out more behind this viral news in the August 2024 Social Media Recap.
The last month of the year is here ready to fill us with cheer. Will any of these last second releases contend for best of the year? Read on to find out!
Big titties are on the menu for this edition of Pan Takes. Come see what new releases are worth a watch and what ones are maybe best left behind.
It's time to close out the month of September with a bevy of new JAV releases. There's plenty to enjoy including a film of the year contender! You won't wanna miss out.
Another month has come and gone bringing us plenty of new JAV releases. Join me as I take a look at eight of them and see how they fare.
It's that time again to check out another batch of brand new films and see how they fare. It's time to seperate the studs from the duds.
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Our End of Year series continues with overview in the Best of JAV for 2023. We talk about the best new debuts, the rising stars, top Milfs, petite stars, the best series, and just a little bit of Western porn.
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FANZA has dropped their rankings for 2023 so it’s time to check out who are the hottest names in JAV right now with the titles that grabbed most fans attention.
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in April 2023
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We continue our look into the Best Actresses of the Year with the Milfy Kana Morisawa, the big assed Mizuki Yayoi, the adorable Mio Ishikawa, and much more.
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Take a look at the Best Selling JAV Actresses and Titles of 2022 from Fanza. We see how the physical sales from Fanza stacked up. See if your favorite actress was a hot ticket item last year.

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