Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

66 RESULTS FOR: shiori tsukada
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A report of which videos and actresses were popular in May of 2024
Oppaira previews new debuts from February 2024
S1: Tits Across Time

By Oppaira @ March 31st, 2024

A burning question has been plaguing Oppaira for months: was 2023 the best year for tits over at S1? Come join Oppaira as he deep dives to find out the answer
A first impression of 2022 debut actress Reina Kuroki
Here is an index of terms, words, phrases, and slang associated with JAV.
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Oppaira reviews the 10 videos selected from March 2024
Oppaira runs down the third agency in the series, Light Promotion. Come find out about this agency!
Part two of my titty tierlist is here! In this post we'll take a look at the B and C tiers to see which racks place in the middle of the pack.
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The FC Awards head into the middle of the show with Awards for Best Boobs, Ass, Milf, Petite, and more.
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Join me in part one of my 2021 retrospective as I take a look at the biggest winners, losers and debuts of the year. Plus, I'll shine the spotlight on five videos that just barely missed my top 20.
It's time again for yet another tierlist. This time I'll be ranking JAV studios seeing which ones are the best and which ones rank near the bottom. How will your favorites fare? Read on to find out!
Oppaira breaks down his favourite plot structure. In this I go over what they're about, what makes them so great, various series that have implemented this plot structure, and my favourite series.

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