Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

87 RESULTS FOR: ai uehara
A final summary of all the 2021 debuts that Oppaira has reviewed, picking his favourites in several categories
There’s a new Like a Dragon game out now and that means JAV Stars in a video game. To commemorate the new release we take a look at all the past JAV stars who have cameoed in past games.
New To Me 9 - First impressions of some new and veteran JAV actresses
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RamenBoss's Riona Minami Top 5 Must See JAV List featuring the actress in a dominatrix role, maid outfit, uniforms and more.
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in November 2022
Fried Chikan with the final part of my spotlight into Kana Momonogi with her 5 best titles.
Oppaira's drafting new rosters across the industry starting off with Oppai who has been down in the dumps recently. Come find out who's on their new roster!
Ever delight in seeing an actress and being reminded of another? Then you'll love this entry on the lookalikes, doubles, and dopplegangers in JAV.
Ramen Boss's Rio Tribute - Part 3: The final entry on Rio's JAV work.
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Great Asses in JAV returns with a new set of articles taking note of the best butts around. This time we bring the thickness with some Fat Bottomed Girls. From big meaty asses to soft and jiggly butts. Check out these chunky behinds.
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Ever wonder how popular a JAV actress is and how many people are following them? Well today we look into the Most Popular JAV Actresses Online. Check out who everybody is following on all the social media platforms.
Sumire Kuramoto Spotlight

By jmsorry @ November 23rd, 2022

One of the rising stars among petite slim-fit actresses, Sumire Kuramoto is making a splash in the scene.

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