Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

71 RESULTS FOR: haru minato
Find out how some salty netizens trolled Yua and how she got back at them, the two big names from JAV featuring in the RGG franchise. Take a deep dive!
metaThis week in JAV News Roundup, AV talent gets inro trouble in Hong Kong and much more. Take a deep dive!
It's the dream of many to meet their favorite JAV actresses in person. Could you imagine meeting 13 of them all at 1 time in 1 place? You didn't have to imagine it if you went to AVN 2016 in Las Vegas like I did! found success with bringing 3 JAV
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We welcome May with another armfuls of JAV to check out. The first part of the month offers a very interesting assortment of JAV. From wife swapping, big tits, cross dressing, wigs, and a whole lot of nurses.
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As 2022 closes out we take a look at some of the biggest names to already call it quits during this year. We look into this terrible year for JAV actress retirements.
This week in JAV News Roundup, Minami has a special surprise for her fans, S1 has something new in the works and much more. Take a deep dive!
Oppaira takes a look at 2022 debuts a year after to see where we stand
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See what JAV actresses like to get up to in their off time from playing video games, motorsports, ballet, poker, and more.
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Oppaira counts down his top 25 videos of the previous year, starting with videos 25-11
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Which JAV Agency reigns supreme? Who has the best cast of lovely ladies? Let’s see how the teams stack up against each other from the big boys of T-Powers to the smaller players like Arrows.
Another New Debut Review is hot off the presses with the pretty faced Minaho Ariga.
A first impression of 2022 debut actress Nonoka Tominaga

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