Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

46 RESULTS FOR: mei washio
With Yua Mikami recently departing S1 do they have what it takes to remain on top? Oppaira checks in with recent happenings at S1.
Who doesn't love a good tierlist? For this one I'll be ranking all my favorite actresses to see who is truly the best at performing. Who will rise and who will fall? Read on to find out!
With her retirement it is time to look at the JAV Icon that is Yua Mikami. From her time before porn, to her career, and her outside activities. Learn about a real deal JAV idol inside.
My 2022 retrospective posts continues with a look back at the best and worst actresses from the year along with some of my favorite covers and a handful of honorable mentions before my top 20 countdown.
It's time to close out the month of September with a bevy of new JAV releases. There's plenty to enjoy including a film of the year contender! You won't wanna miss out.
It’s been seven months and fifteen days, since you took your lovely breasts away. 8Man Pro teased a major announcement tomorrow (Feb 19) by now it's all but confirmed that it's...
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Welcome to the new year and with it comes a brand spanking new Red Hot Report. Here we look at the hottest up and comers rising up in JAV. Today we have Non Ohana, Mai Nanashima, Rima Arai, Mie Miyajima, and Jun Suehiro.
Oppaira takes a look at JAV actress Hana Shirato after she was recommended to him.
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Part two of our Hāfu girls in JAV covers the best of the best. Check out these lovely mixed ladies.
Summer is here bringing us plenty of hot new releases. Join me as I take at a look at ten of them and see how they fare.

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