Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

66 RESULTS FOR: shiori tsukada
Oppaira provides a summary of all the 2022 debuts he's reviewed over the course of the month, picking his favourites in several categories
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Performers come in all shapes and styles but some are naturally worse than others. Join me as I breakdown my personal top 5 worst in all of JAV.
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JAV films range in all sorts of quality but some are just worst than others. Join me as I break down ten of the single worst films from the past five years.
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Oppaira's got you covered with 10 actresses that have surprisingly nice asses flying under the radar
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Some films just don't live up to the hype. Perhaps it's messy execution or a terrible performance. Join me as I take a look at 10 promising films that failed to leave a mark.
Pan Takes - September 2021

By Panking @ September 27th, 2021

Enjoy reviews? How about ten of them in one? Join me as a I take a look at ten different films that I watched throughout the month of September.
Oppaira takes a look at 7 more 2020 debuts making sure to capture all the interesting and noteworthy newcomers
Oppaira's drafting new rosters across the industry starting off with Oppai who has been down in the dumps recently. Come find out who's on their new roster!
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Oppaira counts down his top 25 videos of the previous year, doing videos 10-1
Join me as I take at look at a batch of eight JAV VR films and see if they're worth your time or better left behind.
My latest spotlight is on one of the hottest and bustiet actresses in the game right now. Come see why Yuria Yoshine is worthy of your attention and what films you should check out to get you started.
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in February 2023

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