Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

754 RESULTS FOR: aika
Yua Mikami has retired from porn. The superstar idol hangs it all up for her retirement. We review her last video and take a quick look at her final year.
A protagonist or a mere pawn to the system? In this edition, we delve into the life of the founder of Colabo and her links to a political party that haven't been unraveled before. Take a deep dive!
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Join me in part one of my 2021 retrospective as I take a look at the biggest winners, losers and debuts of the year. Plus, I'll shine the spotlight on five videos that just barely missed my top 20.
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Time to check out Rena Aoi not as an AV actress but as an AV Director. She what kind of pornographic filmmaker she has become.
Looking for newbies in porn than look no further. We check out some new debuts for our March edition.
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ZENRA's Gargoyle lists down the best JAVs he watched in January 2021
In this edition of The Colabo Saga, we get into the crux of the matter, digging out details on the whistleblower and the anime that gave rise to this behemoth of a saga. Let's dive in!
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A report of which videos and actresses were popular in May of 2024
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We pick up back where we last left off with my best videos from last year. This time we look at numbers 20 to 11. These are my top JAV titles of 2022.
The month of May has come and gone brining us plenty of quality new releases. Join me as I take a look at ten of them and see how they fare.
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These ladies are better off giving the reins over to someone else. This is Better Off Sub Edition.
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As 2022 closes out we take a look at some of the biggest names to already call it quits during this year. We look into this terrible year for JAV actress retirements.

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