Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

754 RESULTS FOR: aika
This week in JAV News Roundup, renowned AV darlings from multiple studios claim retirement and much more. Take a deep dive!
This week in JAV News Roundup, S1 finds replacement to Yua Mikami, AV star settles beef with former studio and much more. Take a deep dive!
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in September 2023
Another Star is Born! Kaoru Yasui 安位カヲル debuts, resurrects Muteki. Muteki had not had a debutant for 3 full years, and only 1 title in 2018. Who is this bombshell to bring Muteki out of the deep?
Lets try to see which JAV Idols and which western Pornstars are most alike in Fried Chikan's Pornstars who are like JAV Idols
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Great Asses in JAV continues with the most popular and well known backsides in the history of the business. From big to small check out these superstar tushies in this jam packed edition.
Join me as I take at look at a batch of eight JAV VR films and see if they're worth your time or better left behind.
Julia plays her boss' mistress, and when his wife finds out, things get a little out of hand.
Ever delight in seeing an actress and being reminded of another? Then you'll love this entry on the lookalikes, doubles, and dopplegangers in JAV.
We close out the year of new debut reviews with a beautiful Madonna milf, some busty babes, one very cute girl next door, and a maple princess.
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A report of the top JAV videos and actresses from January 2024
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Futanari are hermaphrodite women with a penis and vagina. Let's rate some futa JAV!

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