Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

754 RESULTS FOR: aika
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Check out the first Annual FC Awards, where the best girls in JAV are awarded for their great years in porn.
In the latest edition, find out why Rena Miyashita gets criticised & called 'insensitive' on X & more. Take a deep dive!
In July's latest column, we delve into the nitty gritty of SOD's latest acquisition, how EightMan made a major announcement on Meisa Kawakita & more!
With her retirement it is time to look at the JAV Icon that is Yua Mikami. From her time before porn, to her career, and her outside activities. Learn about a real deal JAV idol inside.
As if Moe-san's retirement news wasn't enough for us to deal with, now we'ved the bubbly Mao Hamasaki aka DJ Mao who's the latest to be done with JAV. More on that in the column.
Field Reports
Anton spent a wild winter weekend in Tokyo. It involves SOD Land, June Lovejoy, and Mao Hamasaki. Read on to find out what roles they all played in Anton's weekend.
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Putting the spotlight on one of JAV's cute yet kinky angels, Aoi Shirosaki aka Kotone Suzumiya
A Look Behind The Scenes with JAV Director Shisui Usuba
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ZENRA's PikaPika suggests some good JAVs he watched in November 2020
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We follow up our Actress Spotlight into the JAV superstar Yua Mikami with my Top Ten Titles in her career. If you are looking for the place for the best of Yua’s porn videos then this is the place.
Saika Kawakita returns to JAV after a 3 year long haitus, check out her comeback title here!

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