Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

139 RESULTS FOR: hana himesaki
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JAV Sales Report - DMM - 2021 Yearly Edition
My 2022 retrospective posts continues with a look back at the best and worst actresses from the year along with some of my favorite covers and a handful of honorable mentions before my top 20 countdown.
Big tits and big booties are the menu for today's edition of Pan Takes. Come see what films are worth your time and what ones are best left behind.
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Photoshopping covers in a timeless stample of JAV but some go above and beyond. What are some of the worst offenders? Join me as I take a look at ten of them and see where they went wrong.
JAV Directors and industry insiders come together to talk about their favorite actresses and play a game of AV Draft. Inside stories and tidbits ahead.
The writer exchanges continue. This time I try out fellow writer Vienna’s recommendations.
Looking to find your favorite JAV actress online? Well, we have you covered with an extensive list of all the social media accounts of tons of ladies.
April showers brings May flowers but it also brought plenty of great new JAV releases to enjoy. Join me as I take a look at 10 of them and see how they fare.
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JAV Sales Report - August 2021
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RamenBoss's Top 5 Double Feature Schoolgirl Releases of Summer 2021!
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Oppaira counts down his top 25 videos of the previous year, starting with videos 25-11
It's time for another actress spotlight and who better than the juicy and plump superstar, Misono Mizuhara! Join me as I detail her career so far and dish out ten film recommedations worthy of your time.

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