Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

71 RESULTS FOR: haru minato
A final summary of all the 2021 debuts that Oppaira has reviewed, picking his favourites in several categories
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The start of our new New Debut series looking into the upcoming debuts of the month. We look at a model like debut, some celebrities coming into porn, one sexy Milf with bolt-on tits, and lots of long legs as well as some recently debuted talent too.
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The year is ending so come on in and check out what I thought was the best Japanese porn of 2021.
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A fan of a firm butts, tight booties, and toned asses? Then check out these buns of steel with another entry inGreat Ass in JAV.
As the year wraps up lets, look into how the JAV industry has changed in throughout the year.
How are the JAV debuts from yesteryear doing? Check out inside.
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in April 2022
Oppaira takes a deep dive into 2021 debut actresses a year after.
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Can you survive this NNN challenge? These JAV entries are almost GUARANTEED to force your hand with this collection of long, lewd and drooling tongues.
We take a look into the porn maker Prestige and their flagship label Absolute in our very first Studio Profile.
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A look at the top videos and actresses from September 2021
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Great Asses in JAV returns with a new set of articles taking note of the best butts around. This time we bring the thickness with some Fat Bottomed Girls. From big meaty asses to soft and jiggly butts. Check out these chunky behinds.

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