Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

82 RESULTS FOR: karen yuzuriha
We head into fall and fall into another group of promising debuts. This month feature’s a couple of busty petites, a hyped up debut by Idea Pocket, and one amazing ass.
It's time again for yet another tierlist. This time I'll be ranking JAV studios seeing which ones are the best and which ones rank near the bottom. How will your favorites fare? Read on to find out!
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Fanza released their best sellers in 2022 so far. See if your favorite is lighting up the sale charts or look out for any rising names.
Hear Mangochin's Recap of 2021 and 2020 as well as predictions for 2022 and beyond!
Another month has come and gone bringing us plenty new films to enjoy. Join me as I take a look at 10 of them and see how they fare.
Oppaira runs through another agency, this time taking the f irst dive into the biggest and baddest of 'em all, T-Powers
The month of April is in the books and it's time to check out some of the hottest new releases. If you enjoy big titties then there's a lot to love in this batch. Come see what films are worth a watch and what ones are a pass.
Recapping the trending posts in JAV social media from AV fan kitschy gifts, Eimi Fukada's financial troubles and home improvement advice for Karen Yuzuriha
Oppaira's drafting new rosters across the industry starting off with Oppai who has been down in the dumps recently. Come find out who's on their new roster!
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A sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from the first month of the new year
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Our End of Year series continues with overview in the Best of JAV for 2023. We talk about the best new debuts, the rising stars, top Milfs, petite stars, the best series, and just a little bit of Western porn.
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Who doesn't love a nice collaboration between two hot JAV actresses? Join me as I take a look at some of my most wanted team ups in all of JAV.

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