Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

113 RESULTS FOR: maria nagai
Another month is here bringing us JAV fans lots of captivating new films. Join me as I take a look at ten new releases and see how they stack up.
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I'm back at it again highlight ten JAV films that didn't quite stick the landing and ended up as major letdowns. Which one will take the crown as most disappointing? Read on to find out!
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We take a look at some truly mind bottling screenshots taken from some headscratching JAV titles with dick candles, triple tits, and sex dolls inside.
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What are some of your most wanted films that you would like to see from your favorite actresses? Join me as I take at look at ten of my personal wishes for dream scenarios in JAV.
Oppaira takes yet another look at some 2020 debuts and provides initial opinions on them
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Oppaira counts down his top 25 videos of the past year, starting with the first 15
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Fire up those alt accounts and follow these JAV social media accounts.
Japanese Porn Star Diet - Eating Only Paper...Is It True?
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JAV Sales Report - August 2021
Join me as I take a look at another batch of new releases from April with a little bit of everything from busty tutors to seductive school nurses to office ladies and even gangbangs!
Time to settle which chest is the best. Join me on this three part series as I take a look at my own pesonal tierlist of tits across all of JAV.
Enjoy reviews? How about ten of them in one? Join me as a I take a look at ten different films that I watched throughout the month of August.

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