Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

69 RESULTS FOR: mizuki yayoi
The month of April is in the books and it's time to check out some of the hottest new releases. If you enjoy big titties then there's a lot to love in this batch. Come see what films are worth a watch and what ones are a pass.
Pan Takes - July 2022

By Panking @ August 8th, 2022

The dog days of summer are here and we got a slew of sweet new releases giving us some relief from the heat. Take a dive with me as I take a look at ten of them and see how they fare.
I'm back again rounding up some more new releases from the month of May. Join me as I take a look at ten of them and see which ones are worth a watch.
My 2022 retrospective posts continues with a look back at the best and worst actresses from the year along with some of my favorite covers and a handful of honorable mentions before my top 20 countdown.
We're not quite done with the month of June yet as I got another batch of new releases to check out. Read on to see how they fare!
Who doesn't love a good tierlist? For this one I'll be ranking all my favorite actresses to see who is truly the best at performing. Who will rise and who will fall? Read on to find out!
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The Messiest Bukkake JAV

By Syndrome @ September 13th, 2023

The cumshot is the best part of any sex scene - put a whole bunch in one scene and you have a bukkake! Let's look at 10 bukkake JAV.
It's time again for yet another tierlist. This time I'll be ranking JAV studios seeing which ones are the best and which ones rank near the bottom. How will your favorites fare? Read on to find out!
There were so many notable releases in January that I just had to make another volume of Pan Takes to cover them all. Join me as I take a look at another batch of new films and see how they fare.
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JAV that involve women dressed as news anchors having sex on the air is a common staple in the industry, let's observe ten works and judge which is the best among them.
It's time for another set of first impressions and this time I'm checking out the sexy and youthful, Himari Kinoshita! Will she leave me wanting more or will I leave her behind. Read on to find out!
The month of February was so packed with new releases that I had to make another volume of Pan Takes to cover them all. So once again join me as I take a look at some of the best of what February had to offer.

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