Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

130 RESULTS FOR: sales report
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A look at the holiday sales and the last sales post for 2020
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A sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from November 2020
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A sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from October 2020
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A sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from September 2020
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A look at the top actresses and videos from the August 2020, both domestically and internationally.
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A sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from July 2020
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A deep dive sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from June 2020. Looks at trends to see why the results are what they are and looks to make predictions for upcoming months.
A first impression of JAV MILF actress Akari Niimura
Oppaira takes a look at JAV actress Hana Shirato after she was recommended to him.
A first impression of 2021 debut actress Mina Kitano
A first impression of the not quite milf actress Himari Kinoshita
A Brief History of JAV: Moodyz Part 3: from a meteoric launch, years of prudent and determined development strategy, Moodyz is now an undisputed Empire of Mainstream JAV.

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