Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

66 RESULTS FOR: shiori tsukada
Who doesn't love a good tierlist? For this one I'll be ranking all my favorite actresses to see who is truly the best at performing. Who will rise and who will fall? Read on to find out!
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If you love dark skinned ladies then this post is just your speed. Come check out some of the hottest gals in JAV.
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It's the final countdown! Time to reveal my top 10 favorite videos of 2022. Which one will take the number one spot? Read on to find out!
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in December 2022
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Who doesn't love a nice collaboration between two hot JAV actresses? Join me as I take a look at some of my most wanted team ups in all of JAV.
My 2023 retrospective rolls on as I take a look at some of the biggets winners and losers from the year along with my favorite debuts and honorable mentions that just barely missed the top 20.
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Fire up those alt accounts and follow these JAV social media accounts.
Oppaira's 2021 Debut Roundup - 2 Years Later
A first impression of 2021 debut actress Ren Usui
The month of August will filled with many great new JAV films and I'm back again to review nine of the ones that stood out the most.
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We've seen the best now let's see the rest. Join me as I take a look at rock bottom and see what films were the worst of the worst from 2022.
Join me as I give my opinion on some of the most notable new releases from the month of July.

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