Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

87 RESULTS FOR: yuri honma
Oppaira's drafting new rosters across the industry starting off with Oppai who has been down in the dumps recently. Come find out who's on their new roster!
A first impression of 2023 debut actress Yuri Manase
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JAV films range in all sorts of quality but some are just worst than others. Join me as I break down ten of the single worst films from the past five years.
Oppaira provides a summary of all the 2022 debuts he's reviewed over the course of the month, picking his favourites in several categories
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A look at the top videos and actresses from September 2021
This week in JAV News Roundup, Life Promotion appoints a new director, an AV star retires within an year of debut and much more. Take a deep dive!
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Matsumoto Nanami is a gorgeous JAV actress with stunning assets. Let's check out her history of work and see how it compares to her more modern releases!
After the success of last years Tokyo Areolampics we now have Tokyo Areola 2021 with rising big boob stars in the JAV world.
Crazy JAV Backstory: a Tale of Two Virgins: Satomi Honda and Yui Amame
Ramen Boss's Yui Nagase Spotlight a sweet and petite JAV actress with lesbian, 2 girls 1 guy, and
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RamenBoss points out some unique lesbian bondage scenes with popular and retired JAV actresses'
Rino Yuki has become a breakout star this year. What better time to give her a spotlight than right now. Join me as I take a look at her career and see what makes her so great along with providing some recommendations.

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