Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

754 RESULTS FOR: aika
Learn more about one of the best received actresses in the industry! Part 1 of a multi-post sendoff to Nanami Kawakami!
This week in JAV News Roundup, Eightman talent finds a new home, who's been visiting Yua and much more. Take a deep dive!
In this darkest of years, a bright star is born! Before you accuse me of early euphoria, check out this very legit celebrity (and haafu) turned JAV idol Riri Nanatsumori to debut with S1, is she the next Yua Mikami?
After a year long hiatus, Ai Kano is finally back as I predicted, plus we've some exciting news on IdeaPocket's latest signing. Take a deep dive!
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The start of our new New Debut series looking into the upcoming debuts of the month. We look at a model like debut, some celebrities coming into porn, one sexy Milf with bolt-on tits, and lots of long legs as well as some recently debuted talent too.
We dive into the 2000's with a tall drink of woman by the name of Riko Tachibana. See why how her supermodel looks and body made her a star.
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Oppaira runs down the most popular actresses and videos from March 2024
October's News Recap diving into actresses social media troubles and a YouTuber making her debut in JAV
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Oppaira is back at it sharing some of his favourite tits, this time featuring a bunch of F cup tits
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Welcome to Moonlight's first blog post. Today, we will talk about Moonlight's top 5 JAVs
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in April 2022
Another month has come and gone gracing us with many tantalizing new releases. Join me as I take a look at eight of them and see how they fare!

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