Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

226 RESULTS FOR: Hitomi
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in July 2022
This week in JAV News Roundup, Ai Sayama makes a comeback, S1 teases a former celebrity and much more. Take a deep dive!
JAV Career Movements: Oppai bounced JULIA and Matsuri Kiritani, greps busty newb Haru Kawamura
Oppaira thinks more people should be watching S-rank 2019 debut Yuria Yoshine. Come find out why!
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Oppaira takes a look at his all-time favourite series, breaking it all down and giving an updated top 10 list from the near 60 entries
A first impression of 2023 debut actress Yuki Nitta
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A deep dive sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from June 2020. Looks at trends to see why the results are what they are and looks to make predictions for upcoming months.
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in December 2022
Oppaira checks out some new April debuts and checks in on some earlier debuts from the year
Oppaira takes a look at 2022 debuts a year after to see where we stand
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Do you love boobs? Then do I have the list for you! Join me as I countdown 10 fresh busty actresses that are worthy of your time.
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Oppaira reviewed and ranked all of JULIA's videos from 2023. Come find out how they were ranked in part 1.

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