Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

754 RESULTS FOR: aika
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Oppaira counts down his top 25 videos of the past year, starting with the first 15
Here is part 2 of Fried Chikan's Pornstars who are alike JAV Idols.
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We have come to the end with the best of the best. My Top 10 JAV Titles of 2022. These are the cream of the crop, the top smut. Read on to find out.
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Do you love boobs? Then do I have the list for you! Join me as I countdown 10 fresh busty actresses that are worthy of your time.
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Another entry on the box covers of JAV titles, today we look at some of the best, worst, weirdest, and most interesting covers to grace porn.
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A look at the best and worst actresses of 2020
It's the dream of many to meet their favorite JAV actresses in person. Could you imagine meeting 13 of them all at 1 time in 1 place? You didn't have to imagine it if you went to AVN 2016 in Las Vegas like I did! found success with bringing 3 JAV
Discover the truth about the origin of the overnight hotel stay series seen in JAV.
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Oppaira takes on part 2 of his top 25 videos of 2020, this time counting down the top 10
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Which JAV Agency reigns supreme? Who has the best cast of lovely ladies? Let’s see how the teams stack up against each other from the big boys of T-Powers to the smaller players like Arrows.
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Titties come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some busty petite JAV actresses. Thin but stacked.
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Oppaira reviews the 10 videos selected from March 2024

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