Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

175 RESULTS FOR: maria nagai
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From Anri Okita returning to JAV to bringing back the AV Open. We all have things we wish would happen but maybe aren't too likely. Join me as I list 10 of my biggest wishes within JAV.
The end of the year is upon us and with it comes one last bundle of new releases. Will any of these crack my best of the year list? Read on to find out!
Pan Takes - October 2021

By Panking @ November 1st, 2021

The time has come for another edition of Pan Takes where I take a look at 10 films that released during the month of October. Which were studs and duds? Read on to find out!
All you VR fans take note for another VR Review Round up with Yuri Honma, Maria Nagai, Iroha Natsume , and Miru Sakamichi.
Find out how some salty netizens trolled Yua and how she got back at them, the two big names from JAV featuring in the RGG franchise. Take a deep dive!
Looking for newbies in porn than look no further. We check out some new debuts for our March edition.
Less wigs and nipple play and more lesbian action and facials. Join me as I take a look at things in JAV that I want to see more and less of.
Join me as I take a look back at 2020 to see which actresses surpassed expectations and which ones fell short.
Oppaira runs down a list of JAV actresses he's no longer watching.
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Part two of our Hāfu girls in JAV covers the best of the best. Check out these lovely mixed ladies.
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The year is closing out and I take a look at the best and brightest debuts in 2022. See who I think are the cream of the crop from all the newbies I reviewed this year.
My 2022 retrospective posts continues with a look back at the best and worst actresses from the year along with some of my favorite covers and a handful of honorable mentions before my top 20 countdown.

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