Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

69 RESULTS FOR: mizuki yayoi
Come join me as I take a look at a wide array of different JAV themes that I'd love to see more of and others that need to be retired.
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Who doesn't love a nice collaboration between two hot JAV actresses? Join me as I take a look at some of my most wanted team ups in all of JAV.
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Time to sift through the best of the best and break down the top 20 films of 2021. Join me as I start the countdown with #20-#11. Which ones will make the cut? Read on to find out!
Another month has come and gone gracing us with many tantalizing new releases. Join me as I take a look at eight of them and see how they fare!
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It's the final countdown! Time to reveal my top 10 favorite videos of 2022. Which one will take the number one spot? Read on to find out!
It's time for another dose of Pan Takes as I take a look at eight more new JAV releases from the month of May and see how they fare.
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Time to crown the best booties in the business. Join me as I countdown the top 10 greatest asses in JAV right now. Who will make the cut and who will fall behind? Read on to find out!
Pan Takes - August 2022

By Panking @ September 12th, 2022

Summer is on it's way out but not before giving us some red hot releases. Some are scorchers while others are lukewarm at best. Get the lowdown on the biggest releases from the month right here!
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We've all been let down by JAV before but which films rank as the most disappointing? Join me as I take a look at another 10 video that failed to impress and underwhelmed.

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