Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

175 RESULTS FOR: maria nagai
Big titties are on the menu for this edition of Pan Takes. Come see what new releases are worth a watch and what ones are maybe best left behind.
Here is an index of terms, words, phrases, and slang associated with JAV.
JAV vs Western porn. Idols vs Pornstars. East vs West. Read on for arguments for both sides
Some exciting new releases on this edition of Pan Takes including a Karen Yuzuriha gangbang, NEET Ai Sayama and even a surprise appearance from Eimi Fukada.
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It's time to settle the best of the best. Join me as a I countdown the top 10 films from 2021. Which film will earn the #1 spot? Read on to find out!
Looking to find your favorite JAV actress online? Well, we have you covered with an extensive list of all the social media accounts of tons of ladies.
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It's that time of the year again to select the very best films of the year. We got a bit of everything from nympho nurse Fumika to a juicy Hana and Maria collab and what may be the best anal film I've ever seen in JAV.
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Some series were ended prematurely and cut down in their prime. Unfotunately it happens all the time. Join me as I count down my top 5 most wanted series to make a return!
April goes by with a slate of videos that has tons of great group sex, a Panty festival, and Director Samoari fucking Ichika Matsumoto?!? More inside.
A first impression of 2021 debut actress Kyoko Ichikawa
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Join me as I take a look at 10 of my most wanted JAV films or setups.
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Ever wonder how popular a JAV actress is and how many people are following them? Well today we look into the Most Popular JAV Actresses Online. Check out who everybody is following on all the social media platforms.

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