Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

87 RESULTS FOR: yuri honma
This week in JAV News Roundup, Attackers studio witnesses a mass exodus, couple AV actresses set sight on retirement and much more. Take a deep dive!
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Our End of the Year series comes to an end with my Top 10 videos of the year. We have Minami Aizawa playing one devilish schoolgirl, a Yui Tenma and Ena Satsuki cum swapping extraordinaire, and Aika Yamagishi in a passionate love affair.
Oppaira gives a rundown of another notable agency Life Promotion
As we reach the year's half-way mark, let's take a look at the best rookies of JAV for the year.
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in September 2023
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Oppaira takes a look at his all-time favourite series, breaking it all down and giving an updated top 10 list from the near 60 entries
The report is in! Time to break down another batch of five actresses and grade their tittyfuck ability. Who will rise and who will fall? Read on to find out!
It's time again for yet another tierlist. This time I'll be ranking JAV studios seeing which ones are the best and which ones rank near the bottom. How will your favorites fare? Read on to find out!
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A list of the best selling videos/actresses from November 2021
A first impression of 2021 debut actress Reona Tomiyasu
Now that it's the end of 2022, Oppaira takes a look at how debuts from 2020 have played out two years after their debut
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in March 2022

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