Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

226 RESULTS FOR: Hitomi
When R18 announced they would be back at AVN 2017 at Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas you can bet I booked a plane ticket and hotel room right away to go back! Like 2016 I bought the VIP package to make sure I'd get in earlier than general admission to spend
Come join me as I take a look at a wide array of different JAV themes that I'd love to see more of and others that need to be retired.
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Messy facials and loads of cum are on the menu. Join me as I count down the top 10 best bukkake films.
Oppaira provides a summary of all the 2022 debuts he's reviewed over the course of the month, picking his favourites in several categories
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As 2022 closes out we take a look at some of the biggest names to already call it quits during this year. We look into this terrible year for JAV actress retirements.
June Lovejoy is married but her husband isn't enough to satisfy her sexual desire. So she seeks out strangers to satisfy her lust.
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Interested in an investigative career? Then this is the place for you, lad. Improve your detective skills by watching these 5 JAVs and finding out what's hiding under the miniskirts of these beautiful actresses!
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Everyone enjoys titties right? Big or small we love them all. Join me as I countdown my top favorite pairs across all of JAV.
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Oppaira counts down his top 25 videos of the previous year, starting with videos 25-11
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Oppaira discusses the top 10 JAV actresses who have grown up in the industry and aged well
Join me as I take a look back at 2020 to see which actresses surpassed expectations and which ones fell short.
My latest spotlight is on one of the hottest and bustiet actresses in the game right now. Come see why Yuria Yoshine is worthy of your attention and what films you should check out to get you started.

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