Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

175 RESULTS FOR: maria nagai
Take a look back at the fantastic interracial series from DANDY from years past and present.
Japanese Comedy Duo appearing in AV? Maria Ozawa lands a role in a Philippine TV show and S1's new busty actress Yu Tano causing IDs to float. Find out more behind this viral news in the August 2024 Social Media Recap.
JAV actresses have careers that can be shorter than professional athletes. What's in it for them after retirement?
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The start of our new New Debut series looking into the upcoming debuts of the month. We look at a model like debut, some celebrities coming into porn, one sexy Milf with bolt-on tits, and lots of long legs as well as some recently debuted talent too.
As the year ends we begin our warp up of the world of JAV in 2023. Starting us off is part 2 of our JAV in Review were we look into the biggest stories, emerging trends, and little asides all around the industry.
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As 2022 closes out we take a look at some of the biggest names to already call it quits during this year. We look into this terrible year for JAV actress retirements.
Oppaira drafts yet another roster this time doing Idea Pocket
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Our third dive into the fantastic Prestige series, "120% Natural Ingredients" Series
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yfooCollector's first AV actress fan event with June Lovejoy, Negi and Saltie.
Watch as three Shibuya Gals get an erotic massage by a Black masseuse and fucked to their heart's content. SDAM-003 is produced by SOD Create.
November's News Recap talking about scammers in social media using AV,. SOD's actress roster and Ideapocket's sale campaign
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JAV Anime Parodies

By Fried Chikan @ February 21st, 2024

Worlds collide as porn takes on anime. Check out these titles that put on some cosplay and act out your favorite series and shows while having hot sex. These are JAV Anime Parodies to Watch.

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