Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

130 RESULTS FOR: sales report
We check out the hot freelancer on the streets and her latest video. Luna Tsukino stars in this creampie special with Hon Naka.
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It’s that time of year again where the adult stars of Japan come to Taiwan to invade en masse. Let’s take a look at what went down at this year’s TRE.
Revealed: the secret history of the origins of JAV, part one
This week in JAV News Roundup, Ruka Inaba bids farewell to the industry, Mio Ishikawa celebrates her first year in AV and much more. Take a deep dive!
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New To Me 2020 Debut Part 1
As if Moe-san's retirement news wasn't enough for us to deal with, now we'ved the bubbly Mao Hamasaki aka DJ Mao who's the latest to be done with JAV. More on that in the column.
Trapstar covers the headlines that grabbed the most eyeballs this year in an all exclusive column. Take a deep dive!
The final edition of The Big Reveal brings to you a set of nail biting revelations that will have you hooked to your seat. Take a deep dive!
Take a look into some JAV history with the AV Open. An big time event of the past where AV makers would compete with one another with the most star studded, eye catching, or envelope pushing videos they could make. .
September's JAV News Recap talking about FANZA's delisting SOD titles, actresses affected by COVID and Eimi Fukada's newest achievement.
Crazy JAV Backstory: Each month sees the appearance of a few debutantes, most of them, by definition, are not exceptional. So the talent agency, sometimes together with a JAV studio, would compose a backstory for each debutante based on her looks (and f

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