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226 RESULTS FOR: Hitomi
As you probably know, Hitomi Tanaka, one of the most well known JAV actresses in Japan and certainly around the world retired this year, 2022, with her retirement JAV released on April 19th.
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It's time for the final five. Which year was Hitomi's best on record? Join me as I countdown to the number one spot.
Now that the legendary Hitomi Tanaka is fully retired it's time to take a deep look at her career and see what years were her best. The answers may surprise you...
Hitomi Spotlight

By Oppaira @ April 24th, 2022

With Hitomi's recent retirement Oppaira takes a look at his favourite actress and what made her so special, plus gives a top 10 videos list.
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Hitomi: 2021 Films Ranked

By Panking @ February 28th, 2022

The time has finally come to review Hitomi's 2021. Join me as I rank all her films from the year in order from worst to best. Which one will top the list? Read on to find out!
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Some will say Hitomi's best years are behind her and that she's fallen off. But is that true? Or maybe 2019 proves to be one of her all-time best years to date? Let's find out!
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I'm back at again this time ranking all of Hitomi's films from 2018. Which ones come out on top and which ones meet rock bottom? Read on to find out!
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Another year and another ranking. The year is 2017 which may just be the most hit-or-miss of her entire career. Are there more hits than misses here? Read on to find out!
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Hitomi is coming off the heels of her best year to date but can she continue to up her game or does she takes a step back? Join me as I rank all her films from 2016.
2015 was one of Hitomi's best years ever filled with many renowned classics. But just how good is it? Join me to see if the peaks of this year can match her own massive "twin peaks".
Hitomi's bust and career were bursting at the seams in 2014. Her growth was immense, in more ways than one. Join me as I rank all her films from 2014.
In 2013 Hitomi was bigger than ever, in more ways than one. She was on her way to becoming a household name. But is 2013 her best year yet or a speedbump in her career. Join me to find out!

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