Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

82 RESULTS FOR: karen yuzuriha
A first impression of 2021 debut actress Karen Yuzuriha
Karen Yuzuriha’s star continues to shine as she nabs an exclusive contract with PREMIUM. Check out how her first exclusive title with them is.
Big tits and big booties are the menu for today's edition of Pan Takes. Come see what films are worth your time and what ones are best left behind.
Join me as I take a look at another batch of new JAV releases from the month of June and see what's worth a watch.
Looking for something new to check out? Join me as I take a look at another batch of films from the month of May and see what ones are worth your time.
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Our Red Hot Report this month highlights the BJ demon Sora Amakawa, the plastic Hinako Mori, the double exclusive Karen Yuzuriha, and the big assed Mizuki Yayoi. Check out why these four names are hot off the presses.
A trio of New Debuts await you. Today's first years are An Komatsu, Lily Sena, and Karen Yuzuriha.
A final summary of all the 2021 debuts that Oppaira has reviewed, picking his favourites in several categories
Oppaira's back at it again, this time drafting Premium's roster. Come see who's in, who's out, and what the vision is for the roster
The last month of the year is here ready to fill us with cheer. Will any of these last second releases contend for best of the year? Read on to find out!
My 2023 retrospective rolls on as I take a look at some of the biggets winners and losers from the year along with my favorite debuts and honorable mentions that just barely missed the top 20.
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Join me in part one of my 2021 retrospective as I take a look at the biggest winners, losers and debuts of the year. Plus, I'll shine the spotlight on five videos that just barely missed my top 20.

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