SSNI-799 - JAV - Rara Anzai - While My Girlfriend Was Away, I Fucked Her Older Sister And Her Big Titties

Video | SSNI-799 |
Cast | Rara Anzai |
Duration | 118 Minutes |
Studio | S1 |
Genre | Big Tits, Cheating Wife, Drama |
Release Date |
June 6th, 2020 |
Rara Anzai is back with a more plot driven release this time putting her in the role of the girlfriend's older sister. It's a familar setup but does a few thing different. Does this film deliver the goods or is it best left behind? Read on to find out.
As I mentioned above the plot centers around Rara Anzai playing the girlfriend's older sister role. The sister's boyfriend becomes infatuated with her and ends up getting busted while sniffing her bra and jerking off. He ends up giving her a massage and groping her tits. Soon after they proceed to have sex and continue to fuck throughout the rest of the film. One interesting caveat is the inclusion of a cell phone. During a few scenes a phone is used to record and we'll often view the action through it's lens. It's used in a few other ways too such as when he's talking on it while Rara is giving him a blowjob/tittyfuck(waste of a good setup honestly). It certainly helps give the film a more personal and intimate feel which is really the overall vibe of the whole film. The director went for a more realistic approach with the camerawork and such, which I'll get into more later on. One issue I have however is the lack of any risk in the scenes. It's a huge missed opportunity. In the end I appreciate the stylistic approach to the premise and for putting a slightly different spin on this setup but the execution could have been better.
The sex here is fine but ultimately feels rather vanilla and underwhelming. In total there's 4 and a half-ish scenes across it's nearly 2 hour runtime. It boasts 2 sex scenes and 2 paizuri scenes. That half scene is merely a minute long sex scene in the bathroom. It's such a waste of time and goes nowhere. It's inclusion is baffling really. Anyway the quality of the sex scenes is decent and the paizuri scenes are okay at best. I can at least give praise to the cumshots in those paizuri scenes. One in particular features a rather massive cumshot which I always love seeing. One main issue I have is the lack of risk which would have greatly helped alleviate the vanilla feeling of all the sex scenes. In addition the pacing is rather poor. No real sex happens till 50 minutes in which I understand is done to build up the plot and such. But the execution of that build up misses the mark, mainly due to her performance. Nothing here is really that offensive but it could have been so much more and wastes some great potential.
Production Quality
How does the production quality fair? Well it's hit and miss. I'll start with the lighting which all around is pretty solid. For the most part it feels natural and compliments the plot nicely. The location and settings used fit the theme and serve their purpose. In addition her wardrobe is pretty nice here I must say. All the outfits highlight her massive tits and do a fine job at teasing them. Now onto the downsides which brings me to the camerawork. It's a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand I appreciate the more voyeuristic shots that help set the tone of the film but sometimes the angles used are just not ideal at all. Plus we often switch views to the camera lens through the phone at certain points which can be a bit jarring. I know some may enjoy those shots but I'm not really one of those people. In closing all the different camera shots(phone, static and dynamic) lead to a slightly disorganized mess.
Overall Satisfaction
For the most part SSNI-799 left me feeling somewhat satisfied but disappointed in in the wasted potential. One element for that is her underwhelming performance. I was hoping that with a more story driven film the quality of her acting would improve but that's not really the case. She can be quite lethargic overall and lacks enthusiasm which is most notable during the paizuri sections. Those scenes feature some of the worst paizuri acting I've seen in recent memory, not to mention her technique is very weak. Her facial expressions don't fare any better as she still bears one single expression throughout the whole film pretty much, her trademark grin. She's just not very convincing in this role at all besides a few moments here and there. So where does that leave this film? Well it's at least better than previous film but still misses the mark for me personally. This had potential to be a truly memorable film but instead for a variety of reasons stumbles and ends up as an average release at best.
SSNI-799 - JAV - Rara Anzai - While My Girlfriend Was Away, I Fucked Her Older Sister And Her Big Titties
Production Quality
Overall Satisfaction
Rara Anzai is in prime shape and looks amazing
Great and simple lighting that suits the film's style
Decent plot with a nice realistic approach
Messy camerawork that tries to do too much
Missed opportunity with no risk in any scenes
Very underwhelming performance
Poor pacing padded out with filler scenes
By Fried Chikan @ November 10th, 2020
By tonymontana @ August 8th, 2020