Studio Spotlight: Madonna

Debut Year: 2003
Social Media: Twitter
Known For: Mature Women
Roster Style: Exclusive, Dual Exclusive, Freelance
Madonna is a studio known explicitly for their use of mature actresses. Their logo has a tag line that says 人妻・熟女 No. 1 メーカー, which would translate to number one studio of married women and sexually attractive older women. As you may hear from time to time, they're called the jukujo (熟女) studio, jukujo being a term to describe an attractive older woman. As a studio that is that is a motto that they live by. The actresses they work with are almost always older women past their prime, whether that's someone in their 30s, 40s, or even in their 50s. In addition to the older women they cast, they also focus on themes featuring older women, whether it's a married lady, a teacher, etc.
Madonna is a studio that can feel all over the place. Sometimes it feels like they have great variety from the various themes they might do or their manga adaptations, and other times it feels like they're doing the same thing over and over again. Part of what tends to make their content feel very similar is that they not only have actresses that physically look the part but they tend to focus on plots that explicitly require a mature or married woman. You're getting something with the lady next door, the married teacher, the stepmom, or whatever else it might be. They could certainly make a video where a mature woman was having sex and make it work, but they'll go the extra mile to put a ring on her just because. At the same time, mature woman being a more physical oriented theme gives them the opportunity to do a lot of things. You can take random things like a workout theme and put a slight spin to get a Madonna video very easily.
One of the things that keeps Madonna being so popular is the rising popularity of the jukujo genre. Many people speculate a lot of reasons for its rising popularity but one such reason lies with the aging population among viewers. In general in JAV we see a pretty big focus on more average looking men (and women to some degree) that are more relatable. Sure, it may be easy to be attracted to someone who's very hot, but at the same time two extremely attractive people might not be appealing for people who just can't relate. Especially as Madonna covers themes that might be relatable to some people, like a sexless marriage, the fantasies presented may really hit home with the viewers. Don't forget that a significant percentage of viewers are actually female, and being able to identify with aging women or relatively plain looking women can go a long way with their viewers.
Madonna began way back in 2003 with a video featuring three mature ladies, one of which who was Maki Tomoda, one of the more notably mature woman to ever grace the industry. Who knew that this budding studio featuring some mature ladies would go on to become one of the biggest studios around?
Madonna's early days would often focus single scene, multiple actress videos. Those videos would largely skip trying to present a narrative, instead focusing heavily on the simple fact that the actress was mature. While you could still get narrative in scenes, it's definitely not the same when the actresses is only in it for a third of the video.
Madonna would slowly, after a couple of years, start to move more toward their current style of single actress videos. The single actress videos they do today are often drama videos that pit the actress as a mature women, effectively harmonizing both the actress and the plot/theme. I think this style is better in a day and age where the industry has evolved to a point where people clearly have favourite actresses. Mature women can be all over the place and people would far rather flock to their favourites.
Madonna is a studio that has rarely strayed from the path they've carved out for themselves. Unlike other studios they've had the advantage of their identity being extremely clear and well defined. Some studios have re-imaged themselves over the years but honestly speaking, Madonna was always going to feel the same so long as the women still fit the bill. Speaking of which, Madonna has always had an easy time of finding casts for their videos. Thicc or thin, busty or flat, Madonna all they really ever needed was someone slightly older to do the job.
These days Madonna produces a boat load of videos each month. They tend to have a large roster, as we'll see below, and it results in them just needing to pump out videos like no tomorrow. That's why you see series with dozens of entries to them, there's just a huge need to produce content without investing too much into creating something new. At the same time it's very easy to take a simple concept and spin it ever so slightly to produce something new. Want to do something where the guy is a virgin? You could have him lie about it or trick her, or be down on his luck and have pity sex, or just turn 18 and go to a soapland, or whatever it is you can come up with. Hell, I've seen them use Tinder and a virgin guy getting together with an old lady is the kind of unique spin on a simple concept that keeps content refreshing after all these years.
Madonna also tends to have a lot of turnover on their roster in recent years. When you consider the fact that actresses are 40 or even 50 years old, it's not uncommon for them to quietly move on with their lives. Similarly, it's not uncommon for them to go freelance for a bit to try and cash out a bit more, especially after raising their popularity with Madonna. At the same time, Madonna is always convincing a lot of fairly well known names to come join their studio on an exclusive contract. It's not uncommon to see a cover with a well known actress that has 専属 (pronounced senzoku) in big letters, which is the term they use to identify an exclusive actress. Madonna is simply good at attracting the right actresses to keep the fans engaged.
Madonna also does a ton of VR. Considering how VR is still in its infancy I'm glad to see them put so much effort into it. They've got well over 100 videos spanning much of their roster, so there's a good chance your favourite has done it there.
As I mentioned above, Madonna is known for having a lot of flexibility with their roster. They have a mix of exclusive talent, freelance talent, and everything in between. Essentially, when it comes to working with actresses, they're willing to work with anyone and everything. I find this creates an interesting dynamic, because there are actresses you can see every month there as an exclusive, actresses you see once in a while, and even actresses that work there every month but also work for other studios. When you couple all of that with them having more than one label, their roster tends to appear quite big as a result. It's not uncommon to see Madonna release 40+ videos in a single month.
First up is Madonna's exclusive roster. Madonna always has a number of actresses that are exclusive to the studio. They do the standard once a month release schedule for their works with a few VR sprinkled in here and there. Madonna always has quite a large cast of them and they range from relatively unknown names to super popular names to everything in between.
Madonna also likes to work with a lot of freelance actresses. These are actresses that will do videos for Madonna when given an opportunity but will also work elsewhere. Essentially, Madonna has no reservations about working with anyone they think can sell videos. This tends to work out well for them because it adds the Madonna style of video to their repertoire without being the only thing they do. It's also not uncommon for freelance actresses to settle down at Madonna when they get tired of doing as many videos as they do as a freelancer (since exclusive is just once a month).
As I mentioned before, Madonna is willing to work with everything in between exclusive and freelance, including what some like to call shared exclusive. In the case of Nao Jinguji she works exclusively for both Madonna and Moodyz, producing one video per month for both studios. This isn't the only case of an actress doing it but it certainly is a rarity. I find shared exclusives to be quite nice as double the content is a big deal, especially when the variety of the content is relatively small. When you consider that Madonna requires all their videos to be about older women, Moodyz gives her the chance to play literally anything else. While that might not benefit the studio directly, I find that it casts a wider net on what Nao can do, which in turn means I watch more of Nao, which in turn means I become a bigger fan of her, which ultimately means I watch more of her Madonna content.
First up on the age side of things are women who are unquestionably mature. These are actresses that you immediately can tell are older women and fit the description perfectly. Actresses like Maki Hojo, Yumi Narusaki, Maki Tomoda, and Reiko Sawamura, who are all in their mid-late 40s. Personally this is the kind of actress I think about when I look at this mature woman concept, even if I'm totally accepting of actresses much younger fitting in just fine. It's just one of those things where you aren't ever questioning if the actress is right for the role, it's just so innately obvious.
While the general rule of thumb is to feature actresses that look the part of the mature lady, Madonna often contracts younger actresses for a video. While there are cases like Mina Kitano (21) or Ena Satsuki (22), there are even egregious cases like Misono Mizuhara's (20) debut for them, where they cast her with a different name (Kanna Hayami) and listed her as being a whopping eight years older than she actually was. I find actresses in this range to be a bit interesting, because while there are certain mature themes that I wouldn't want them to play, there certainly are some that make sense for them (think: man remarries to someone much younger than him), which means that every once in a while they can actually work out.
Madonna also loves to work with actresses that aren't exactly mature but can look the part well enough. That often amounts to actresses in their mid-late 20s who have a more mature look to them.
I would say that most actresses that work with Madonna are somewhere in their 30s. I think these actresses are pretty ideal because of how well they work for everyone. For the crowd wanting actresses that look the part, women at this age look mature enough to be satisfying. At the same time, they're not too old to deter fans the way someone in their 40s or 50s might. Not only given the wide range of it but how actresses may mature differently, you get a really wide range out of it.
When you put the age range of actresses all together you get a pretty wide range of actresses. Just looking at the actresses above, Madonna regularly has actresses whose age spans four decades.
Madonna typically has three main labels they use: their main Madonna label, their Monroe label, and their Ure Komi label.
Madonna is their main label and something they've been using for the vast majority of their works. Not every company cares that much about doing different labels, and when the main selling point of their studio is mature women, it's all kind of the same thing. If you're not working at one of the two labels below, which are much more defined, you're working at the main label, regardless of what you're doing.
Their Monroe label is a relatively new label (only a year old) and focuses on the mature side of the mature woman genre. This label is actually the successor to their previous discontinued label, Obasan, that was created a decade ago. It might seem odd to say the mature side of mature, but I mentioned above how the age can vary quite a bit at Madonna; the Monroe label features actresses that are 40+. This allows them to segment the super mature, or perhaps GILF by porn standards, into its own place. These often tend to be not just actresses that are that age but legitimately look their age (because let's face it, a lot of porn stars look good for their age). This kind of stuff might not be everyone's cup of tea but it's interesting to see a home for those that are definitely well past their prime.
Ure Komi
The Ure Komi label is exclusively used for doujinshi (hentai manga) adaptations. For anyone that does actually read such things, they've done adaptations of a lot of major works over the years; if you're a fan then they've undoubtedly done something you will have enjoyed. Even if you're not, one of the interesting things is how widely available translations for doujinshi tend to be. It's pretty underrated to be able to understand a plot, especially when it's as complex as these tend to be.
Notable Series
When you're a studio that has been around for a couple of decades and are releasing as many as 40 videos in a month there's going to be a huge amount of series. Here are just a few of the more notable series they've done.
Mum's Friends
This series is pretty easily identifiable by the large, bolded letters on the cover: 母の友人. As the concept goes, the mum's friend comes to stay and she finds herself in a sexual relationship with the strapping boy of her friend. It may not be their best series but it's probably the most recognizable one because of how long it's been around for, having entries over a decade old. Studios tend to start and drop series a lot so to have entries go back quite that far is fairly impressive. It's also an interesting series because the theme is so generic that they can make any actress work in it, even if they're not so much on the mature side. I find that also makes the concept quite bland because it's about as mild of a mature theme you could get. There's no married woman theme or cheating theme or a complex plot, it's literally about a guy being attracted to an older woman in his life.
I Came Without Moving My Hips Once
This is easily one of the better series that Madonna has going. I find a lot of the series they do tend not to feature dominant females, and I think that's a very important thing for them to do. One of the ways videos can feel too similar is if the relationship dynamics between characters is the same, so giving the woman a chance to be assertive really matters. None of them do it better than this one, where the woman has to be assertive 100% of the time. As the title indicates, the guy never does anything, so it's up to the actress to not just initiate sex but be leading the action throughout the video. I'm always hypercritical of actresses who don't give it 100% and this video has a way of making them do it, plus I happen to love it when actresses pump their hips outside of doggy and this series has that in spades. One other major thing I enjoy is when actresses get sweaty here, which is often the case.
I Was Unexpectedly Spending The Night With My Favorite Lady Boss At A Hotel During Our Business Trip
Every studio does these hotel videos and Madonna is no exception. It's a pretty straightforward thing there where a guy and his female boss end up sharing a room together. The temptation of a hot, older woman becomes too much and, well, you know how this ends. This is a pretty common variation on this style of video, several other studios like Oppai and Moodyz have done this too with the boss. The relationship dynamic really doesn't alter things all that much, which makes this further feel like most of the business trip hotel videos we see. I find these videos are very easy to get into since it's stuff you've likely seen elsewhere. It's also a very straightforward plot, something not all of Madonna's videos can claim given how drama heavy a lot of them are. At the same time, I find the videos aren't fantastic and the mature woman aspect tends to cause them to be more generic to a point that's unwelcome with the more simplistic plot.
Favourite Videos
This wouldn't be a complete studio overview without sharing a few of my favourite videos from them.
This video is by far the best hentai manga adaptation I've come across, starring Maki Hojo and Ruka Inaba. It felt really great seeing the plot evolve to Maki needing some action as well, being the MILF in the story. Maki knew about Ruka having sex and was even supporting of it, but she couldn't help but want that stud for herself. I loved how the video went in two different directions with Maki and Ruka having their own time in the spotlight before we got to some incredible threesome content. The threesome content was great as both of them had gotten to a point where all they wanted was the guy to impregnate them. Seeing the two of them showing up each other and competing for him was incredibly hot. I mean, how many people are going to say no when two hot women are on their backs asking you to dump your seed in them?
This is the kind of video you just have to enjoy. Two amazing actresses in Ayumi Shinoda and Erika Kitagawa and some of the hottest action you'll ever come across. The premise is that their husbands want to impregnate them but they don't want to be, so once the deed is done they get down and dirty to clean up the mess. That partially fuels what makes the video so amazing, because group scenes like this featuring lesbian content is so hot. I've sometimes referred to this as a mini MIRD-150 because it's got the same vibe of them playing with each other during the action. I think that's one of the things that stands out so much because Madonna is rarely doing content with multiple actress, even less common is when it's lesbian, and lesbian is almost always just lesbian, so this one being more of a threesome/foursome video with female interaction makes it so much more interesting.
This one had a very interesting plot that involved Maki's horny, virgin nephew. He would take peeks at her every chance he could get and Maki would get angry at him for it. However, Maki would eventually start to feel sorry for him and would start giving him a bit of action, slowly building up to sex. I loved how this plot had this slow escalation with Maki becoming more and more accepting of it, and even if the plot felt slow the tension it built up was incredible. She was still somewhat disgusted by what she was doing but with her lacking sex life she came to accept it and she did such a fantastic job displaying her emotions. It was interesting seeing her go back and forth on this too, like when he unexpectedly creampied her and you could see her disgust, or when she was so overcome by her desires she fucked him senseless, pumping her hips in doggy among other things. This is a case where a rather simplistic plot was done extremely well between the content and performance.
Madonna is a studio that has a very easily identifiable core identity that they stick to very well. Yes, not everyone is 40 years old there but the vast majority of actresses have some level of maturity to them that make the whole jukujo theme believable. That helps put Madonna into a narrow lane that you know exactly what to expect when you pick up one of their videos. You know you're getting someone like Nao Jinguji or Touka Rinne who look mature for their age, or someone 10-20 years older than them that is definitely fitting the age.
Madonna is also a studio I have a love hate relationship with. I tend to be a huge fan of the jukujo genre in general and watch a ton of content from them across a very wide range of actresses. At the same time I find that Madonna content can be all over the place. It's very easy to get stuck in "generic MILF hell" when your plots/themes are so similar and so I find that finding the right video is a big deal.
With that all said, I hope you've enjoyed this deep dive into Madonna. I promise this won't be the last we see of them this year, so I hope you're all ready for some more mature action. If not, well, you're missing out on such a wonderful part of the industry.
Though sometimes I'm upset why is S1 studio or the similar one used to make a work that hired a pretty lady but it plays by many men or being threesome. It feels weird. I barely watched Madonna because what storyline they want to serve for watchers. I just want to know how people can do their sex either want to see who having the sex.
Apparently Madonna seemingly hired new models in their studio and commonly the "32's" models always break the popularity in Madonna. I would say it's 32's blossoms era.
Thanks writer for your dedication
My favorite Madonna theme is the one with the xxx having an affair with her xxx's bully.
Looking forward to what studio you might cover next. Anyway didn't you used to post your blog on scanlover?
I'd love to see a similar one about Chijo Heaven or Celeb no Tomo
I can promise you this isn't the last of them. I can't promise Chijo Heaven or Celeb no Tomo, and I'd bet against them at this point.
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