The 10(ish?) Actresses that got Anton into JAV

Published : November 24th, 2023 Written by Anton Algren

This was, like most of my lists, initially meant to be a Top Ten. But, like with my previous attempts at such a list, complications ensued. In this case, said complications took the form of me having more than 10 JAV actresses who got me into JAV. So you all are once again getting a Top Ten list split into multiple articles, this time with the caveat of there not even being ten actresses on the list. So… enh?

Before we begin though, I must confess that not so long ago, I did not actually care that much for JAV. Yes, it’s true. When I was but a swain only about mumblemumble years ago, I found JAV downright distasteful. In hindsight my reasons for this weren’t very complicated. JAV is different from Western porn, with different ideas of what the audience will find arousing and different ways that actresses try to titillate the audience. Some of these ideas and ways run counter to my own likes and fetishes, in particular the kind of stuff one finds in Attackers and such.

Of course, Attackers is no more representative of all JAV than Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend is representative of all hentai. I’m sure all of us have at least at some point in our lives heard snide comments about how isn’t it weird for Japan to be into tentacle porn so much? And try as we might to explain that Urotsukidoji is not exactly mainstream in Japan, nothing so trivial as facts can get in the way of good, old-fashioned, borderline xenophobic smugness.

Because of this, I, like many blinkered fellows of my generation, spent a lot of my youthful days believing that JAV consisted mostly of muscadine men and women who look far too youthful crying and not at all looking like they’re having a good time. You’d think I’d know better, especially when my same generation was exposed to constant advertising of Barely Legal American porn (I really do not see the appeal in that sort of thing, but its popularity still persists), but it really wasn’t until I became exposed to these actresses that I finally saw the light and realized there was so much more to the wonderful world of JAV.

So, with that lengthy introduction out of the way, let’s begin the list you’re all here for.

1 - Yuria Satomi

It’s difficult for me to really focus in on who precisely was the first JAV actress I liked. It has been mumblemumble years after all, and my memory is fading with the passage of time (soon I suppose I shall be in my dotage, hoarsely telling disbelieving whippersnappers that there was once a time when we had these things called DVD box sets if we wanted to watch old tv shows). However, I believe the first JAV actress whose work I enjoyed so much I began to actively search for her name was Yuria Satomi.

I don’t know if any of you Gen Z readers with your Tiktoks and your roller skates know about Yuria, but I hope at least someone in our readership remembers her. She was, and still is, a real beauty, and the things that stands out in my mind when I try to search through the fog of ages and find my first memories of her is that she was very small. Quite small, indeed. The men she was with were not as tall and buff as those you’d find in Western works, but I remember her diminutive frame being clearly visible even without a tall fellow beside her for reference. Yet because of this smallness, Yuria was an imp. Not a devil or a succubus, she did not have the junoesque frame to play that part. But the fact that she was so small, but so perverted, the wicked grin she would get on her face when she was up to some erotic mischief, it was thoroughly imp-like.

I’ve said before that, being a big, strong lad m’self, the two types of women I’m most attracted to are cute and petite girls and tall and elegant women. Yuria is definitely in the former category. But what about someone from the latter category?

2 - Miki Sunohara

The thing is, Miki isn’t actually that tall. Come to think of it, most JAV actresses aren’t. However, she’s got the elegance down pat, and is always a delight to watch. The thing is though, the story of how I discovered Miki isn’t exactly a happy one.

See, the thing is, living in Japan, you run into a very specific type of guy. I think we all know this guy, the r/japanlife subreddit calls him Bruce, and if you hang out with Bruce long enough, you start to notice that there’s something kind of creepy about the way he talks about women in general and Japanese women in particular. Let me be clear, I think we all love JAV here, obviously, or else we wouldn’t be on this website. And subsequently we know that there are a lot of beautiful women in Japan. But if you hang around Bruce long enough (probably because there aren’t any other foreigners in your tiny Japanese town), the way he talks about Japanese women makes you feel kinda skeevy.

Years ago, when I was working my first job in Japan, I was in a situation like that. Funnily enough, the Bruce in question ended up moving to Thailand, and I’m 90% certain he was fucking his best friend’s girlfriend (I was witness to a conversation that was almost exactly like that Calebcity video, I swear to you all). But bringing it back to Miki, I was honestly starting to fall off on JAV because of Bruce, when I discovered her videos.

I don’t remember which one was the first, but I remember that in all of the videos I saw of her initially, she was quite dominant. And the thing is, while watching them I just got this funny thought in my head. I kept imagining Bruce finding a woman like Miki, a woman who had the long black hair and porcelain skin and singsong voice that matched Bruce’s stereotypical image of the demure, submissive, and “perfect” Japanese woman. And then I imagined her dominance in and out of the bedroom flustering and frustrating him. It was an amusing thought. And it reminded me that there’s more to JAV, and Japanese women, than what stereotypes tell us.

Anyways, let’s talk about something and someone more fun now.

3 - Meguri

The cool thing about Meguri is that I actually do remember the exact video of hers that was the first one I watched. It was a clip from SOE-385, which I found was just as wonderful as it was frustrating because the clip ended just as things were getting good! To top it all off, there was no code in the description, and no credits shown, so I had no idea where to find the original film in full. All I had to go on was the main actress referring to herself as Meguri, which was at least enough to go on in finding more of her work, but which proved ineffective at finding the rest of the video in which I initially saw her.

Still, I wasn’t terribly broken up about it taking several years to find what I’d originally been looking for. In the meantime I had the rest of Meguri’s body (of work) to enjoy. And what a body it is. She’s very voluptuous, and has an infective energeticness that makes all her videos just plain fun to watch. Seriously, I can’t recommend her enough. You Gen Z youths ought to check her out.

4 - Asahi Mizuno

The thing is, I can’t remember whether I first saw Asahi in MMNA-004 or CJOD-141. I think it might have been CJOD-141, and I ended up liking her stuff after checking out MMNA-004. But I definitely know that it was after watching MIRD-145 that I became an uber-fan. So three videos, sadly too many to showcase here directly, but still, I hope our readers also know and appreciate those videos.

Now, onto her charm points. What about Asahi is so spectacular? Well, do I even need to say it? I should think the inclusion of MMNA-004 would make it obvious. But if I must speak it aloud… she got dat ass.

Yes, I’m sure some of you are stunned at my usage of such crude language. I have rather made a mark for myself by delivering sesquipedalian loquaciousness in an ostentatious manner. Would any other ZENRA writer use the word callipygian? I think not. And yet callipygian is exactly what Asahi is, and I find million-dollar words inadequate to describe just how wonderful dat ass of hers is.

Yes, at the end of the day, despite my fancy big word talk, I am a simple creature, and I enjoy a good ass as much as the next guy. Combine that with a winning smile, and you’ve got a deadly combination, which Asahi used to great effect throughout her career. I hear she’s got a nail salon now. I hope she was able to get everything she wanted out of the JAV industry, and that she’s living her best life happily and healthily.

5 - Ayumi Shinoda

Alright, so, this is going to sound a bit weird. See, I knew who Ayumi Shinoda was for years, and I did initially quite like her. But then I ended up getting a new job, as one does, and one of the individuals I was working with at this new occupation was… well, let’s just be upfront and say it, they were a piece of shit. A cunt. A pain in the ass, and if their daddy hadn’t been as rich and powerful as he was, nobody would have put up with this person’s shit. They also happened to bear an eerie resemblance to Ayumi Shinoda.

Now, some of you might look at this scenario and think that I could get some sadistic thrill from watching Ayumi’s videos. Imagine myself hate-fucking this co-worker as I watch Ayumi get fucked on my computer screen. But no. First of all, that would be weird for a number of unrelated reasons, but as to the original point, I simply am not someone who can hate-fuck or even hate-jerk-off. If I hate a motherfucker, then I’m not fucking them. I can’t even get aroused by them, no matter how hot they are, if they’re someone I can’t stand. So after my brief interest in Ayumi, this new job caused me to fall off her videos for a while, with me only getting back into her work after getting a newer job and time passing and this co-worker becoming a distant memory.

So now that I can enjoy Ayumi’s videos, just what about them do I find so enjoyable? Well, if I had to pick one thing, it would be that she can give you a look, a seductive glare that at once spells danger and sex. And at the same time, she can get this goofy, chipmunk-cheeked grin on her face that’s quite adorable. Combine that and you’ve got a winning formula, I should say.

And so, that’s it for this first installment of my list. It is far from over, but in the meantime, why don’t you all leave a comment explaining which actresses got you into JAV?

Actresses’ Social Media:

Yuria Satomi - Twitter, Instagram

Miki Sunohara - Twitter, Instagram

Meguri - Twitter, Instagram, Youtube

Asahi Mizuno - Twitter


FreeDum 1 year ago
Intro for me was Bunko Kanazawa who was super skinny and cute contrasted with Jun Kusanagi who was busty and played more lewd or experienced woman roles. Shortly after that I stumbled upon Akira Fubuki who had a heavenly body (great tits, toned stomach, nice abs) combined with a shy demure onscreen persona. After that I was hooked!
ZENRA 1 year ago

In what world can Bunko be considered skinny?

Easy-there-tiger 1 year ago
Mine were Anna Ooura, AI Kurosawa, Mai Shiina and Kyoko Ayana. I think they all have Alice Pink files now while a lot of their other work isn't digitized or hard to come by. So I'm old.
ZENRA 1 year ago

Let me tell you about Chiasa Aonuma, Minori Aoi, Bunko, and Akira (you know which one).

OppaiLover90 1 year ago
My intro to JAV was Maria Ozawa. That got me into Yuma Asami and Rio Hamasaki. Hitomi got me hooked permanently.
pachuli666 1 year ago
Reiko Nakamori has it all!!! She has juicy tits, a juicy butt, she has a very beautiful face and on top of that she was a very good "actress". I hope I ever return to JAV.
Shinmai 1 year ago
My early JAV was most Ryoko Murakami from what I remember, Ayumi Shinoda was also a really big favorite for me too haha shes actually really active again now on tiktok, instagram and youtube she has a fansite now too which seems like its more lewd photos/videos
Jav Sommelier 1 year ago
My formative models were Reiko Nakamori e Ayana Asakura. Two milf's, two good performers and two beautiful bodies

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