Why Do You Enjoy JAV?

Published : May 11th, 2021 Written by vienna

Hello everyone! vienna here, hope y'all are safe and up for some discussion about JAVs! "Why Do You Love JAVs?" is my very first series on this blog, and it's something I've been working on for quite some time. Specifically, it is a series broken up into three parts, which consist of the "model of pleasure" layers, a sort of know-how or "JAV 1&1", although it really mostly represents my final and definitive opinion on what I think makes a JAV a great product overall. So let's cut to the chase and take a look at this pleasure model at how it works right now!



The Idea Behind the Model of Pleasure

One morning I woke up, drank a hot cup of coffee, and thought to myself as I looked in the mirror: why do I love JAVs? Why, even though I didn't explicitly set out to do so the day before, did I decide that morning to have a marathon of Hitomi's best movies? What was the driving force behind these decisions that, though trivial, actually constitute the load-bearing foundations on which my great passion for this media and for Japanese pornography rests? Gentlemen, if I wanted to place myself on the bed or divine and watch something random maybe I would watch western porn. Instead, when I think I want to watch a JAV, it's more of a "structured viewing": like when your friends invite you to watch the last movie of a major film saga at the cinema, but before going there you clearly propose to catch up on all the prequels and spinoffs because, well, otherwise you'd only half enjoy, right? Now, I know this example probably sucks, but it's exactly with this kind of reasoning that I came to ask myself the fundamental question that every true JAV fan should ask himself at least once in his life: why do I love JAVs?

This is what a great production looks like folks. I can see everything, and I mean everything. When audiovisive quality is top notch, the viewer experience will always be so as well. Rara Anzai, in one of her greatest performance in a long time, shows us why do we love JAVs the way we do. Just by looking at the images above, I instantly remember why I love this media so much. Check out her new movie, produced by S1 NO.1 STYLE and named "The Boss Was Gone On A Business Trip, So I Fucked His J-Cup Wife For Three Days Straight" (SSIS-050).

Why do I like them so much? In order to answer that question, I had to watch numerous movies, make considerations (sometimes even written ones), and reason about the pros and cons of each product. I came to the conclusion that I don't simply like JAVs, rather I appreciate and consider excellent JAVs to be art. It's the study and love behind some films that manages, every time, to rekindle in me the flame of the fanboy. So I asked myself: what is it that makes a good JAV... such a good one? What are the artistic, creative and technical qualities of a well-made JAV? In order to answer these questions and more, I have elaborated a "model of pleasure", obviously for fun. We can see this model as a kind of way to organize the creation of a JAV on several layers, separating them conceptually and making them fully independent. My pleasure model is organized on three states: the Production Layer, the Presentation Layer, and the Sex Layer. Each of these layers concur to qualify (or de-qualify, in the case of a misimplementation) a JAV in its entirety.

Think of it as a basis for reviewing JAV. A sort of "standard" (though obviously not - again, it's something I created just for fun!) for evaluating JAVs. How is the audio and video quality? Does the cast live up to the production? What actresses are we talking about, and how is their performance amplified and enhanced, as well as contextualized, by clothing, setting, lighting and whatnot? It's basically a reference point for aficionados from all over the world, and frankly I had a lot of fun thinking about what, in fact, I liked in a given film. I think it's the most reasoned and structured way to approach a passion, as JAVs are for me. To better understand what we're talking about, let's take a look at a quick summary of how each layer works. Note that future articles on the individual layers will come out, describing in more detail how I envisioned them working in the context of the pleasure model.


U-hu! Sex, baby! That's what it is all about, after all. Great sex will always be welcome, with or without a correct implementation of the model of pleasure. Sex is just what we strive for, day and night. It's an art, and the actresses are artists. Take for instance this great performance by Sakura Miura in "Bored Out Of Her Mind While House-Sitting Her Parents' Place Out In The Countryside, She Seduces An Old Man From The Neighborhood And Mounts Him And Starts Moving Her Hips" (MIDE-761), a movie produced by Studio MOODYZ. What do you need, if not just her amazing body and a dick for her to ride? I know you see where I am going with this -- a great actress will always be able to entertain a vast public with just her mere body and skills. Again, being good at sex is an art unto itself.


A Quick Overview of The Layers

We have seen what this so far abstract model of pleasure actually is; we have also seen that it is articulated in layers, which together describe the JAVs and the way they interact with the viewer - the viewer, therefore, enjoys the content thanks to these three states, going from the first (the production layer) and ending at the last (the presentation layer), but the real pulp is actually the intermediate layer, namely the sex layer, which is the actual content of the JAV. The other layers, as we have seen, alter and enhance the content of the JAV: the one between the layers is a fundamental synergy that, if implemented by the production studios in the right way, allows and leads to the creation of an excellent JAV. So let's see in detail what these three layers consist of, but beware: for each of them, a more detailed and informative article will come out, and generally more explanatory on the functioning of that specific layer. Below is a brief summary of how the layers work.


Production Layer

How to better summarize the Production Layer if not with the starting words of the its associated standalone article: "I've watched many JAVs where, despite phenomenal casts and actresses whose performances could rival the most popular girls in the industry, the poor audiovisual quality and questionable technical-creative choices led me - and this is a completely personal opinion - to dislike the film and the product itself, despite its high potential. See where I'm going with this?". I think it's pretty clear to everyone that without a good production studio behing a JAV, a movie would just be one of the many that gets ignored because reputed as trash. But what makes a JAV technically egregious? This is what the Production Layer is about.

A great example of the potential of a good implementation of the Presentation Layer. Hitomi's beauty, in this recent title by Studio OPPAI, named "This Shy Librarian With Colossal Tits Is Secretly A Cock-Loving Slut Who Devours Rods Every Chance She Gets" (PPPD-917), is enhanced by a clever use of erotic clothing, which clearly aims to highlight two very big qualities of her. Even though Hitomi is a bit of a stretch, meaning that she - as a great actress and performer - needs basically nothing to perform to the best of her abilities, I feel like she, like every actress out there, can boost her "erotic capability" to a significant amount with just the right presentation of her body.


Sex Layer

"The Sex Layer is the core of JAVs. It is the reason why the end user enjoys and uses the product. It is a fundamental layer and one that can exist on its own; instead, the presentation layer and the production layer, coexist and act in support of the sex layer: the main objective of this section of the pleasure model proposed by JAVs (but actually employed, by extension, to any adult film product) is to structure the sex scenes, organize them in a script consistent with the proposed storytelling, and offer it to the user in different forms and rhythms according to the director's idea, the creative cue referred to, or even simply the dynamics most appropriate to the positions, sex toys, fetishes, kinks to be put in place and so on." I think it's pretty clear what this layer is about.


Presentation Layer

As the soon to be released article about the Presentation Layer states in its introduction, "The clothing of the actresses, and the way in which this same clothing goes to interact with the explicit sex scenes, falls squarely within the context of the previous article, but is a specialization of it. A different uniform can arouse more or less strong emotions and make the viewing of porn clearly more engaging, especially if inserted in a coherent dynamic that allows a strong immersion of the viewer". This is true, always. It also makes great connection with the ideas that I talk about in my "Red JAV Redemption - Far West In The Far East". Note that the presentation layer isn't just about clothing, but of course uniforms and stuff surely do make an huge impact on viewer's final experience with a JAV. How the girls interact with the settings could also very well be a matter of the presentation layer.


Thank you for sticking with me once again till the end. This is a very experimential series of mine, as I wanted to try something a bit different, and I hope you like it. The next articles in the series will be released in the next weeks, so stay tuned! Also, please note that the actress featured in the header image is Shunka Ayami. The movie is OFJE-204, produced by studio S1 NO.1 STYLE. See you next time!




AsianThirstTraps 2 years ago
Interesting read.
For me, it's pretty simple. JAV stars are just so incredibly attractive. Western porn stars are often "fucking hot" and that's it. I routinely discover new JAV actresses where I think "this is just straight up one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen."

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