Why Japanese Women in JAV Are Really Hot

Considering ZENRA specializes in JAV, it shouldn't be surprising to learn that I believe JAV to be both stunning and special! While JAV is wonderful on a number of different levels, one that I want to talk about in-depth is the Japanese actresses. Since JAV is a product of Japan, it's only natural that culture comes into play with how its made and the attitude of its creators, but those participating in the movie to make it come alive, Japanese actresses/actors, contribute as well, and help to bless the form of pornography with a special twist seen nowhere else in the world.
Japanese women in general are believed to be mesmerizing in terms of charm and personality, and this often comes out in JAV, which helps to set them apart from women in western pornography. I'm going to discuss why I believe Japanese women are so appealing in JAV, while also analyzing the dimensions that contribute to their popularity.
Actresses: Kanna Natsumi:
As I've mentioned before, Japanese women (or, mostly Asian women in general) have a reputation for being extremely beautiful, so much to the extent that their beauty doesn't even fade as fast as other people when they get older. From personal experience, I've also found that there are more attractive JAV actresses than there are pretty western women in western pornography, so naturally, men will gravitate more towards such "superior" beauty.
A Japanese woman's hair is often styled much different in comparison to western women, and it's usually with more sophistication and grace. Outfit-wise, JAV women are usually more clean and neat as well, but this can of course vary, especially if the outfit is key to the JAV or scene in question.
Japan's concept of beauty is also rooted in traditional ideas, valuing modesty and grace. Traits such as pale skin, delicate facial features, and a petite frame are often of high opinion, as they are part of the country's aesthetic values, which favor purity and youth. Of course, not every Japanese woman boasts these traits, but a lot of them do, giving them that sort of reputation.
Sweet and Innocent
Actresses: Moka Haruhi:
Japanese JAV actresses more often than not act very sweet and innocent, simultaneously exuding naivety as well, which only ends up enhancing their appeal on an erotic level. A JAV might start off and the girl is very bubbly and happy, open to sharing her feelings and past experiences, and might even let out a cheery laugh or two. Compare this to western pornography, and it's like the women are constantly trying way too hard to be "sexy". More often than not, you have the actress that's trying to act like she's "hot shit", and knows she will "fuck you hard", all while staring at the camera with "those" type of eyes. Don't get me wrong, it's not like that can't be sexy, it just doesn't seem as inviting in comparison.
Japanese women in comparison seem more genuine and "real". Their cute and bubbly exterior, combined with the aforementioned innocence and sweetness makes it seem like they're just some nice girl next door who needed some extra help, so they tried being a JAV actress. A JAV actress could tell me she was a gamer or adores anime, and I would most likely believe it, hell, I'm sure she would gladly talk on and on about either subject, only making her seem that much more genuine. I never get this kind of aura from any western porn actress, so I believe this is one of the stronger appealing characteristics of JAV women: the fact that they seem like real women with personalities and interests.
When Japanese women willingly act like way as part of the performance that is JAV, it increases the sexiness of erotic scenes that much more. Such sweetness makes the actual love-making and sex acts fun and bubbly, serving as a powerful fantasy for the watcher. Western porn in comparison is rarely ever romantic or has mood, instead its just rough or obscene, and focuses on highly stimulating sex acts with women with perfect curves (or not, depending on whether or not the creators were willing to shell out for a better-looking model) while the actress spouts profane nonsense for dirty talk. Japanese actresses are simply more approachable and endearing, allowing for greater emotional connections with the watcher.
On top of this, a lot of Japanese actresses are only initially shy and reserved, as once the sex scene starts, they actually display a more uninhibited side, and a great degree of eagerness. In a way, it is a slow build-up to the sexual escapades. All the while they speak and act respectfully (usually), which is often the opposite for western women, where the whole "theme" of a movie is the fact that the woman is acting highly obscene for the sake of being obscene. Such an approach is rampant in western porn, and it can often be quite boring witnessing it for the hundredth time.
Actresses: Rei Kamiki:
I'm of the opinion that Japanese women tend to also perform differently than other women. Despite how innocent and sweet they initially appear, Japanese women are actually willing to perform in some more unsavory or highly fetishistic works. While I'm sure there are plenty of western women willing to do the same, they are barred access to such content, usually from a law and cultural standpoint. Japanese women however, are not only not limited by those things, but it seems to me like Japanese women very much want to take part in these more "forbidden" fetish films. That in itself makes Japanese women more "valuable" in my eyes.
In terms of actually performing, Japanese women are usually more subdued in compared to western women, while western women are very loud and honest, and even obscene to a grotesque level. A Japanese woman can somehow make even the most perverse sex act seem polite and proper, and that is something quite commendable. Western porn actresses usually act with more vigor and with an aura that just feels improper. While Japanese women can be obscene when they want, it's almost difficult for them to be so in a way that isn't palatable. It's hard to describe, but it's one of a Japanese woman's many strengths.
Something else to point out is how a Japanese woman moans. Moaning and talking can be pretty vital in a sex scene, and with Japanese women, I find their moaning to be more tasteful. Their moans are typically softer, cuter, and more sophisticated. Western women are just rough, rude, in your face - as if sex has to be very rapid and nasty in order for it to be stimulating. Japanese women are different, and while that in itself can be appealing, the more "polite and sweet" approach to moaning they have seems more attractive to me. Of course, Japanese moaning isn't perfect, as you'll sometimes find some Japanese women that practically sound like dolphins, but I would still choose Japanese moaning over a western woman's moaning.
They're Simply Different
Actresses: Mei Miyajima:
While I've pretty much mentioned this already, I figured greater elaboration was needed. Japanese women are just simply different due to the nature of Japanese living and the country's culture. Submissiveness in Japanese women is one example of this, making them highly different attitude-wise in comparison to western women, and offering watchers a completely different perspective when it comes to sexuality. Japanese women are exotic and interesting, whereas western watchers are already accustomed to the highly over-done nature of western porn.
Then there's also the fact that JAV creators simply work a different way and create their movies with a different mindset. Western porn is usually all about happening upon an erotic situation, or an erotic situation happening somewhere unexpected. While JAV does this as well to an extent, movies are more about relatability with the audience, and "realism". Examples include having sex with a cute neighbor, or having sex with the cute girl you have a crush on at school. JAV usually have a slow build-up to things as the movie establishes the actress, and watchers get to witness some of her personality, and/or the movie tries to entertain with its charm before diving into the intercourse.
These differences fuel the exotic appeal of the actresses, making their performances uniquely compelling to western audiences.
Actresses: Mahiro Tadai:
There are many things to adore about Japanese women, and their positive traits are rooted in Japan's unique cultural aesthetics, their prim and proper level of professionalism, and the style of Japan's adult entertainment history. As immensely beautiful as Japanese women are, they are also very sweet and loving, making their performances in an adult movie feel "proper", on top of satisfying.
All of their unique aspects blend together to make for a highly compelling image that is not only traditional, but modern at the same time. They are a complete breath of fresh air from western pornography, and offer a glimpse at the adult medium through a different perspective. Let me know - what characteristics of Japanese women do you find physically attractive?
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