Why JAV Helps Adult Men

Pornography is often criticized heavily today and discussed often in regards to its merits. Many have claimed, much like with fictional violence in movies and video games, that it can compel observers to commit crimes, while others believe pornography to be "immoral" and have "no place in society". There's also the aspect of addiction, and pornography addiction can be particularly hazardous to a person's way of life.
When it comes down to it, it seems like the two major political groups today either promote pornography to the point of encouraging addiction, while others want it completely removed from society, citing that it has no "value" or "purpose" whilst calling people who like it "losers". I'm not going to get political about this topic as it's not the point of this article. What I plan to do is discuss these various aspects and criticisms about pornography (and by extension, JAV) and explain how this explicit material benefits society, and in particular, adult men.
JAV Gives Men a Greater Sense of Respect For All Types of Women
Actresses: Hayami Remu, Minato Haru, Kasumi Yuai
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JAV and pornography has women of all body types, not just the stereotypical "hour-glass shape perfectly thin" woman. Thicker women who you'd probably more often than not meet in real life often feature in adult movies, and there is a large group of people who admire these type of women. With women of varying body types appearing in porn, there is a greater chance of men having a better opinion of them, or at least having a greater chance of seeing the charms of women who are a bit more "curvaceous". You could even technically extend this to absurdly fat women, as they sometimes appear in porn as well, but I'm sure most men have limits.
There's also breast size, of course. From my personal experience as a westerner, I grew up learning that big breasts on a girl was something that men "always wanted" and were "superior", and that smaller breasts were always either shunned or ignored. Through JAV, I've personally come to learn that a more ample breast size can be just as nice and physically attractive (and usually in different, unique ways), and other men I know have come to learn this through JAV as well. Learning this notion through pornography I think is rather important, because it helps expand what men find erotic/attractive in women.
This doesn't just extend to body types, of course. There are stereotypes in personalities, such as tsunderes or dominatrix-type women, that are highly prevalent in JAV as well. If adult men watching these JAV are exposed to these types of personalities more, and they are associated with pleasurable acts like sex, again, it is likely men will view these types of women in a more positive way.
JAV Quells Sexual Desire
Actresses: Yumino Rimu
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Perhaps the most obvious benefit to porn/JAV is the fact that adult men, and technically all humans, often boast a desire to have sex for the sake of reproduction. It is only natural to want to quell sexual desires, and while society has become civilized, it's common that adult men might not be able to immediately find a mate to help quell those desires (which are usually quite fierce for adult men), and this leads into the concept of masturbation.
Human males need sexual stimulation, and if a man can't find a woman, then masturbation is the next obvious course of action. In this instance, why not rely on JAV and porn? Do humans eat only one form of food for the sake of being beneficial to the planet? No, we eat a variety of foods to experience all sorts of things and everything the world has to offer. Why not make masturbation an enjoyable experience through JAV, and not just some "necessity we should get over and done with"? I myself couldn't imagine masturbating without some form of accompanying material, but I suppose if a man has gone long enough with masturbating, it would be an easy process, but why should masturbation be limited to that? Why can't we make it enjoyable to the extent we do with food, with all the different types we have available?
No, JAV/Pornography is Not "Immoral"
Actresses: Arioka Miu, Gotou Rika, Uchida Hiromi, Misora Hana, Takezawa Hiromi, Hazuki Nagisa, Oomori Ichihana, Mamiya Aya, Okita Rio, Takeda Mai, Imai Mai, Mori Harura, Saaya Kirijo, Sasamoto Miho
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This leads into my next point: some critics describe pornography to be "immoral" or "degenerate" and that it has "no place in society". However, I believe accompanying material for masturbation is a necessity for the civilized man. If an adult man doesn't have access to porn/JAV for easier self-stimulation, it would mean he would be sexually stressed. A sexually stressed individual might be more compelled to act on his desires and end up committing a sex-based crime. I believe if men have outlets for these natural desires, then there's less of a chance for crime to be committed, leading to a healthier and better-functioning society.
On top of this, to compare it to other cultural creations, pornography/JAV is really no different than the fictional entertainment medium of violent video games or movies. Games and movies might depict graphic scenes of violence or crime, but in the end, it's fictional. Whether or not a person allows something to manipulate how they think or act is on them, it has nothing to do with the content in question. The content didn't "mentally control them" and "force them" to commit a crime, and it's the same way with pornography.
While rarely seen, JAV might be criticized harder than western pornography due to the fact that it often caters to fetishes that are more "controversial". In my opinion, the sole fact that JAV with "controversial" fetishes exist in a large quantity (and have existed for quite some time) whilst western porn of this same type barely exist at all is only proof that the Japanese people are aware that the content is fictional. They have acknowledged that this content is only made to stimulate and that if you act out your desires in the real world, it's on you and not the content in question.
Believe it or not, pornography/JAV has become a part of many peoples' lives, and those who negatively criticize it don't realize that most consumers merely masturbate to it and then move on with their lives. It's no different than how America has millions of gun owners, and yet there aren't millions of gun crimes being committed.
JAV Helps Educate on Sex and Sexual Behavior
Actresses: Nonose Mitsuha
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Pornography and JAV can also indirectly help adult men better understand sex and sexual behavior. Not all people have the benefit of learning sexual education at school, and even then, schools tend to not go into too graphic of detail about it (and for good reason, in my opinion). For example, I doubt schools teach about anal, or how certain positions and a lack of caution can lead to a man "breaking" his penis. Similarly, for women, porn can educate how you have to keep stroking/pleasuring the man during his orgasm, and not just immediately stop. Pornography can indirectly educate on these smaller details that people would otherwise awkwardly have to learn in the moment.
Sure, porn and JAV typically don't represent realistic situations. Your first girlfriend likely isn't going to be too ecstatic about trying anal or swallowing semen, but an adult male can at least learn how these things are done by watching JAV, so if their partner ever decides to want to do these things, the man will at least have a general idea of how they work. This could help men understand their partner's boundaries, and to the extent they want things to escalate sexually.
JAV Helps Men Better Understand What They "Like"
Actresses: Otogoto Rui, Hibino Uta
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The amount of fetishes and sexual activities a couple can do are endless, and JAV/porn is a gateway into learning and understanding all of them. This is one other reason why JAV is so important, as it helps you learn new fetishes and come to an understanding about the ones you like and want to perhaps pursue with a partner. If your life consisted of only sex in the missionary position, wouldn't that make one of the most powerful feelings in the world drab and boring? You should be getting all you can out of your sex life, as not doing so is a wasted opportunity. JAV/porn helps you better enjoy sex with your future/current partner in this way.
JAV Inspires Greater Confidence in Men
Actresses: Sasahara Yuri
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Some might argue this is not the case, but I think men can be made more confident through knowledge. If you have a greater understand of how sex/certain fetishes works via JAV, and learn about consideration for your partner and the small details (like mentioned previously), then I believe men feel more prepared and confident about themselves when it comes to sex. There's also the fact that JAV in particular doesn't always use perfect, handsome men with chiseled bodies as their male actors. They often hire regular-looking men with normal physiques, or even for some fetish movies, they specifically hire "ugly" men or older men. This in itself should be a confidence boost, as it means such men can do exactly as these actors do in JAV. Sure, as I've noted before, JAV/porn is not realistic, but that doesn't mean it can't help inspire confidence in a person.
The Negatives
Actresses: Sasahara Yuri, Arioka Miu, Chanyota, Konno Hikaru
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Critics have naturally mentioned some things about JAV that are negative: addiction for example, can be awful. Porn addiction can completely consume a person's life, and addictions are never easy to get through. But here's the thing, a person can get addicted to literally anything. Drugs and certain beverages are common ones, for example. Much like porn addiction, there's also other behavioral addictions, like addiction to playing video games, or even weird ones like addiction to cosmetic surgery.
Addictions spread far and wide, and yet some critics demand that pornography should be banned because it can be addicting? That's nonsensical. By the same logic we should be banning unhealthy food and certain beverages (with the latter having already been through that). Unhealthy food and certain beverages are special experiences that we can choose to have at our leisure, but in moderation, and pornography is no different. You can't demand something entertaining be banned for everyone just because some people allow themselves to get addicted to it.
Concluding Thoughts
To sum things up, I believe JAV/pornography has a place in society, just like "controversial" things like violent video games and movies. Just because pornography can become addicting to those who are irresponsible doesn't mean we should get rid of it for those who know to how enjoy it responsibly. JAV and pornography opens up a whole new world for adults, and it'd be a shame to not be able to explore the world of sex just because you don't happen to have a partner at the time. What are your thoughts?
THX for Your Hard work! you can watch JAV as much as you like, but never stop try to know more real people outside your room.
Your depression problem was unrelated to JAV. It is just seeking something to blame other than yourself.
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