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ZENRA Exclusive JAV Interview: Shiori Tsukada

The ZENRA team recently had the pleasure of interviewing Shiori Tsukada. Many of you may be quite familiar with this curvy goddess who has been around the industry for over a decade. Come join us as we all find out more about this favourite of ours.
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Shiori the Person
Q: You are known for having such incredible breasts and an amazing butt as well. Which god did you pray to have both be so blessed?
A: I’m simply the result of genetics so I’m most thankful to my mum.
Q: Do you ever have trouble finding clothes that fit? Is that why you always go to UNIQLO?
A: There’s been times when I’ve had issues with clothes fitting me, but I’m not too interested in fashion. There was a time when I was younger where I tried to fit in more style-wise. I went shopping here and there, but it was pretty short-lived.
Q: In the past you’ve spoken about how your performing was affected by a personal relationship at the time. Do you find your performing is much better now?
A: In the past I’ve had some motivational ups and downs but lately when it comes to that, I’ve been in a good place. As per my performance, your guess is as good as mine. It’s really a matter of technique.
Q: What is your go to karaoke song?
A: I hardly ever go, but when I do, I’d often sing Akina Nakamori.
Q: You've said your nickname is the Boob Ghost. What's the story behind that? 「おっぱいおばけの塚田です 」
A: That was actually a nickname given to my be the director who shot my debut. It was kind of a play on nicknames you get back in school, but back then I wasn’t really social enough to have actually gotten one.
Q: What do you wish to improve professionally and personally?
A: Various things, really. In particular, I seem to have a tendency to speak before I think so I’d often have regrets about what I just said.
Shiori's Career
Q: You have been an actress for 11 years now. How have you managed to stay in the business for this long?
A: It’s almost a mystery even to myself how I have been able to continue for so long. But to continue like this requires a demand and often I wonder if that type of demand exists for me.
Q: You have been a freelancer your entire time, how come you have never made the choice to be an exclusive actress?
A: Oh, I’d hope to go exclusive, but speaking frankly, an offer just has never came.
Q: What has been the biggest change in the industry since you started?
A: There’s been many things, actually though the biggest—and one I am very thankful for—is required STD testing. Back when I debuted, there were shoots were it was not required and I shudder now when thinking about it.
Q: You have starred in quite a few VR films in your time. What is one thing fans might not realize about the process of filming VR?
A: When filming VR, the director is usually wearing a headset to see how the footage looks and from there he’d be telling me things like “move closer”. Often it would be even more so than regular 2D shooting.
Q: Over the years you have worked in quite a number of videos where you wear a black mask that completely covers your face. Fans are very divided on these, some love them and some hate them. What is your opinion?
A: I love those masks. It allows me to focus more on putting on a very erotic performance. On the flip side, they become uncomfortable to wear after awhile.
Q: Due to your body type you tend to do a number of hentai adaptations. What is different about those types of shoots?
A: While I always try to give it my all, there’s tons of extra pressure when filming these because we don’t want to ruin the source material. My stomach often aches, but it goes into overdrive during the honeymoon period after these movies initially go on sale.
Q: I know you always say you feel too old to wear schoolgirl uniforms, but you’re not and I love seeing Shiori in schoolgirl outfits! Which outfit is your favourite to wear? I always loved seeing you in the virgin killer sweater outfit
A: Thank you for the comment. I’m pretty nervous now about wearing schoolgirl uniforms. More mature and sexy outfits that show off my body lines are what I prefer.
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Q: How did you get so good at paizuri?
A: From watching movies of more established performers doing it.
Q: Do you have any funny on-set stories?
A: Many things though one that sticks out is when a staff member not once, but twice, tried to hide the fact that they spilled the lotion cup during a shoot.
Q: You've talked about being criticized for being a poor performer in your videos and being self conscious about it. Is online criticism something actresses keep track of? Do you read FANZA reviews for example?
A: I do read the reviews. I’m not above ‘ego-searching’ though I don’t go overboard either. If someone writes something negative, it doesn’t get to me. I’ll just go ‘huh?’ and move on. Conversely, reviews that praise me I may read again and again from time to time to cheer me up.
Q: What are some proud moments of your career?
A: Being told “Shiori-chan, how many years has it been? 10? That’s a long time!”
Q: Do you wish to pursue other endeavors in other forms of entertainment, most notably video games or mobile games?
A: Honestly, I haven’t given much though about doing anything outside of AV. I’m not really interested. I guess if an interesting offer came, I’d consider it, but that’s about it.
Other Actresses
Q: As you are such a voluptuous woman, do you find it is difficult to find other actresses to work with?
A: Regardless of the actress, I’m always thankful for the work I get and the others in front of the camera I perform it with.
Q: There are some actresses you have worked with several times, such as Yuria Yoshine. Specifically to your Yuria Yoshine videos, I find that they are some of your best works. What is it about her that creates such good quality content?
A: She’s really open-minded and can adapt easily to most anything. She also knows her good points and is great at showing them off. She’s super pretty above all—like really super pretty—and also has really soft boobs.
Q: Another actress you have worked with a few times in the past is your good friend Nina Nishimura. Now that she is a freelancer again, is there any chance of you two reuniting? I know you’ve been friends for a long time and had dinner with her last year but she was still working exclusive for Madonna back then.
A: We’ve performed already in the past and if it happens again in the future, I can’t wait.
Shiori was in fact holding out on us as they have since worked together.
Q: Recently you worked with Marina Yuzuki, someone you hadn’t worked with for nearly five years. Interesting both of those films were lesbian films. How did it feel reconnecting with her? Were you excited to see she returned to the industry?
A: Totally unchanged even after half a decade. Her tits are surprisingly perky and feel great when having them rubbing all over you.
Q: Last year you worked with Chitose Yuki (Chitose Saegusa) who is a veteran actress like yourself. I saw you said 最早ちとせさんじゃなくてちとせ様だよ on your blog. Do you look up to her? Do you find you work differently with someone as experienced as her?
A: I’ve followed her work for awhile and really respect her.
Q: Since you’ve gotten the opportunity recently to work with actresses like Chitose and Hana Haruna, are there any actresses you would like to work with?
A: Anyone, really. The more the better.
Q: I’ve seen a few instances where you work with actresses who do not match your body type. Do you think this allows an opportunity for fans who usually prefer less curvy women to enjoy yourself?
A: There are fans who seem to really like that so that’s a reason why they’re done.
Q: Recently you worked with a newer actress Reika Takeda. When you work with a newer actress do you find you act as a senpai to them? Do they ask you for advice the way you asked Chisato for advice?
A: I don’t give advice because I’m not really in a good position to do so. Some already have way more potential than me.
Q: Do you remember anything you forgot to answer in that interview with June Lovejoy? It was a great interview and I hope this one can be as good!
A: It was a great interview and I’m hoping this one can be just as good! I should have said then that it was after I have sex for real I can get super horny and that’s the best time for me to do a shoot. The interview was not too recent so if I was asked similar questions again now, I may answer differently.
Q: Speaking of June, will we ever get a video with you two?
A: I’d love to do one with her if the opportunity arose...
Blog / SNS
Q: As a fan of your blog it is so awesome to see, so thank you for posting all these updates. Do you like blogging?
A: Blogging because it feels like it’s really my own space is my favorite type of SNS.
Q: How great are those Takara Visual shirts? BTW Nina is right, you should buy more clothes!
A: Sorry...
Q: Do you know when your shirts will be back in stock? The website is under maintenance.
A: It’s been that way for awhile and there’s no ETA when there will be more stock.
Q: I’ve seen you talk about those at home a lot on the blog, it seems like you are close. Are they all supportive of your career?
A: My mum is very supportive, but also worried so I don’t talk too much about work when I’m with her.
Q: I see you are a big baseball fan, what is it about baseball?
A: I’m super addicted and get really upset when my favorites lose.
Q: I saw you’ve been checking out all the stadiums. Which one is your favourite stadium?
A: Tokyo Dome. It’s my home stadium and thus my favorite.
Q: How many baseball games do you watch in person each year?
A: About 20 over the 2024 season.
Q: I see you are a fan of ドアラ, are the Chunichi Dragons your favourite team?
A: Yomiuri Giants! VIVA GIANTS!!!
Q: I saw you watched the WBC (World Baseball Classic), you’re so lucky you got to see the game in person! Who is your favourite player?
A: Taisei Ota, pitcher for the Giants.
Q: Did you watch Shohei Ohtani during the WBC? The final out against his teammate in the finals was an incredible moment!
A: Shohei from the get-go was impressive. He made some good hits. The final game I was watching on TV and was really amazed to see him strike out Mike Trout.
Q: After a long baseball game, what is the best food to eat? Ramen? Curry? Tonkatsu?
A: Not much after the game but before I’ll have something gourmet though exactly what may vary.
Anime / Gaming
Q: What anime are you watching these days?
A: Not much as of late. I was watching some of My Hero Academia, but stopped partway through.
Q: Evangelion or Gundam?
A: I like both.
Q: Which Gundam series is your favourite?
A: 00. It’s the first one I ever saw.
Q: If someone visits Japan, should they go to Yokohama and visit the giant Gundam statue?
A: I sure think so. The Gundam in Yokohama isn’t there anymore, but there’s a Unicorn in Odaiba.
Q: I saw a while ago you were on the Alabasta Arc in One Piece. Who is your favourite One Piece character? And what about these other anime you're known to watch?
One Piece - Robin
Naruto - Shikamaru Nara
My Hero Academia - Katsuki Bakugo
Gundam 0079 - Kai Shinden
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Mari Makinami
Shaman King - Tao Ren
Q: Are you still playing ローモバ?
A: Not anymore.
Q: Did you play Pokemon Scarlet and Violet when they came out? I saw you were playing Sword and Shield! What else have you been playing on Switch?
A: I mostly do Ring Fights. Also I got an older edition of Biohazard by a fan, but I haven’t played too much of it.
Q: Have you played any board games since that time you were playing Catan at the board game cafe?
A: Long ago I played it I think, but don’t recall much.
Specific Videos
Q: In 2015 you worked for Golden Time on a video where you and another actress had plastic masks on. I just want to ask, why?
A: I did it simply because I got an offer. Most of the time if an offer comes and I think I can do it, I’ll take it. At the time there was not too many movies shot like that so it was pretty fun.
Q: In 2018 you had a wrestling video, how crazy is wrestling nude while making it look sexy at the same time?
A: It’s just a continuous feeling of amazement to discover yet another interesting sexual kink. I’m grateful I had the chance to perform in it.
Q: You did an anal video back in 2016, only one? I guess you didn’t like anal? It’s not very popular in Japan, right?
A: It was good to lift the ban, but it turns out I don’t have much range back there. It was not comfortable and had to stop shortly into the shoot.
Q: Similarly you did a BBC video for Vi in 2017 but have not done it since. How come?
A: There hasn’t been any more offers.
Q: I was really excited to see Shiori play 志穂ちゃん in the video for ORCSOFT. Don’t worry, the real Shiori is also とても魅力的 . Are you going to continue doing more hentai adaptations?
A: Thank you. If the offer comes, I will do my best to be super perverted.
Q: In 2022 you did a video for Global Media Entertainment (JUE-006) where you played a kunoichi. Do you think you would make a good kunoichi in real life?
A: Just filming as a kunoichi is good enough for me! Nevertheless, I’d love to do it again.
Thank you for taking time to answer these questions for us.
You can find our recent interview with Shiori's good friend Nina Nishimura here and all of our other interviews here. You can also stay up to date with Shiori by following her on Twitter or following her blog.
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