Mai Haruna Ascension to Bondage
Published May 17, 2017
#Subtitled #Uncensored #ClassicJAVAn extra dose of a voluptuous Japanese AV star of yesteryear Mai Haruna in a mosaic-lifted uncensored title by VIRTUAL WAVE.

Mai Haruna Ascension to Bondage
with English Subtitles
Sometimes there's unofficial 'leaks' where the as of yet mosaic'd master tapes are taken from an AV studio during the dead of night and have their contents distributed to the masses. This is bad. One actress who was involved in a leak like this actually made a post in her blog around the time of her retirement saying she was saddened by what happened, BUT NOT exactly for the reasons one may assume. Her reasoning was that since the title she starred in was made under the assumption of a standard mosaic-added release, she didn't keep her nails so nicely trimmed and her masturbation and handjob-performing techniques would have been done with even more care. And of course she also noted she'd have landscaped down south with a bit more concentration.
Titles released via our VIRTUAL WAVE connection can be considered authorized 'leaks' as they all came from mosaic-free masters, but we're released for international use by the company itself shortly before they folded (and do note when a media company closes down, it doesn't mean their works become public domain! There still remains a copyright holder to this very day.). This had its pro's and con's. The pro's are obvious, but the biggest con we found are the running times which sometimes don't add up to what's posted on the DVD cover.
This leads us to a predicament: do we show shortened uncensored versions of these titles? Do we hunt down the censored versions instead or perhaps mix and match scenes? The latter may sound desirable, but the problem of locating these DVD's arises. Not only is this a tall order given the 'classic' status of these movies (ie, the DVD's themselves are very hard to find now), but there's also the questionable legality as that would push us into a gray area in regards to what exactly we licensed and what we did not.
That's the sum of things which brings us to our showcasing of MAI HARUNA's second rodeo on ZENRA: ASCENSION TO BONDAGE. Do note we pretty much based the English name on the Japanese one. Both explicitly make reference to the word 'BONDAGE' in spite of what we all think of bondage not even existing. There's no binding, whipping, spanking, etc. The second half of the release does put MAI in the femdom seat which she performs slightly above satisfactory, but that's about it when it comes to 'hard' play.
ASCENSION TO BONDAGE felt a bit more by-the-books compared to her previous outing with us. There, we felt like we got to know MAI as slightly more than a sexual object. Perhaps it was due to a longer running time making for some breathing room, but this time around, it was one prurient act after another. Some may enjoy such a close-up focus on sex, but those who crave a story may prefer the update we released before this one by ORGA.
Being a Classic AV Stars update, consider ASCENSION TO BONDAGE as a quaint example of how more straight-forward titles existed in an era where many of you reading this were still not even old enough to consume adult media. MAI HARUNA may well be into her thirties now, but we've little doubt she's still a looker and the proud possessor of a dynamite rack.
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 235
2 Files 0.76GB
Mai Haruna Ascension to Bondage
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