The Capriccio of the Heisei Generation
Published June 25, 2016
#Subtitled #Exclusive #ClassicJAVThe conclusion to the Heisei Generation trilogy with the discovery of a runaway principal and his return to the hell of extreme submission by YAPOO's MARKET.

The Capriccio of the Heisei Generation
with English Subtitles
"A beautiful and strict teacher leads a class of eager Japanese schoolgirls who want to learn the arts of being the bringers of dominance by lessons inflicted upon male students acting as guinea pigs. Demonstrations of extreme S&M mixed with eroticism are the norm. Things go from simple classroom lessons to something much more grand as both teachers and students devise novel ways to inflict extreme hardship on their dwindling male classmates. Things reach a fever pitch when the supposed burial site of the former principal is discovered. Known to be the deviser of brutal bouts of sexual harassment, the two active female teachers want revenge..."
-Descripton of THE CAPRICCIO OF THE HEISEI GENERATION from the YAPOO's MARKET official website.
This is it folks. This is where it all hits the fan in the final installment of the HEISEI GENERATION trilogy by YAPOO's MARKET. When we first stumbled upon this production company and were then introduced to titles such as this one, we could not believe there would be any men who put themselves in situations like this willingly. Hell, since the male faces in the HEISEI GENERATION were new to us, we thought they were just amateur actors looking for a way to break into the industry. Just like in mainstream, you usually have to start at the bottom and work your way up and playing a slave-toilet for brutal schoolgirls and teachers is literally all the way down there.
After talking to YAPOO #0 himself, we were pleasantly surprised to hear that was not the case: all men in YAPOO'S MARKET titles--including both their bread and butter labels along with the HEISEI series released under their PURE GOLD label are naturally hyper masochistic. Be it the young actors playing students in today's update or the older ones in the insanely vicious titles we are unable to show, they're all there because for them YAPOO is life.
We know some ZENRA subscribers may have been worried about the well-being of the actors so we thought it would be best to reiterate this salient nugget of production back-story. Fear not, YAPOO's titles may look insane, but nobody's running away bawling their eyes out.
THE CAPRICCIO OF THE HEISEI GENERATION is a unique way to conclude the series. Although its still schoolgirl-themed, only the first scene takes place on school grounds--and it's the athletic storage room along with the adjoining lockers. The bulk of this title is far away from the classroom. We even see a really bizarre outdoor scene featuring schoolgirl ENOMOTO and her teacher 'dig up' their former principal played by YAPOO #0.
Each iteration of the HEISEI GENERATION brings something new to the table. The first title, the SERENADE was where we first met the all-girls academy from hell. It also featured the only scene involving actual sexual pleasure being awarded to a male student in the form of a teasing handjob by both teachers. REQUIEM was balls-to-the-wall insane by means of a never-ending wave of brutality that we unfortunately had to make major cuts to else we wouldn't of been able to show it at ZENRA.
CAPRICCIO in terms of cuts, was the tamest of the trio. We believe in being transparent and honest with you all so denying we removed parts of this update would be deceit of the highest order. This time around we only had to cut around 15 minutes of footage and it consisted of two (!) scenes of ENOMOTO dropping her panties, squatting over the open mouth of a YAPOO can figure it out.
Fun fact: the woman who plays ENOMOTO has retired from being an actress, but still works in the YAPOO's MARKET office. We bumped into her by nothing short of luck when we were in Tokyo late last year. She's as cute as she appears in the HEISEI series and actually came off as incredibly shy. It's probably safe to say what you see on-screen is her alter ego that she almost certainly keeps bottled outside of love-love time.
One final note of interest is the mosaic used in this title was incredibly thin! Granted most scenes barely required it, but when it was used, you could still see just about everything so if you're a huge fan of unobstructed facesitting, the view this time around is spectacular.
The HEISEI trilogy ends with this release, but we still have more titles from the same label to show. What's more, according to YAPOO #0, more PURE GOLD titles will be shot later this year which means more opportunities for us to show you all just how brutal yet unique Japanese AV can be!
A Message to subscribers and also potential subscribers: this movie is labeled as an Exclusive release because this is the first official presentation of it outside of Japan. We would like to know your impressions of this production. Did you like it? Did you not? Your feedback is truly appreciated as it can help us decide the best possible Japanese adult video entertainment for you from here on out. Don't be shy and please feel free to contact us with your thoughts!
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 1019
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The Capriccio of the Heisei Generation
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