All comments of User Drk

In response to ZENRA's comment

Breaking News: R18 Permanently Closing!

It's the loss of trust and absolute lack of good will. When HerHers shut off in March, their movies were still accessible offline. Just opened a few of them ouf of curiosity and they worked - and it was a permadeath of the entire company. Here it's a frontend shutting down. AFAIK the only way to buy now from DMM as an overseas user is via gift cards you buy yourself on Japanese amazon.

Breaking News: R18 Permanently Closing!

The worst part is DMM cunts pulling the plug completely. For me 586 movies and 660k yen. (Out which dmm took 462ish leaving the studios with 198ish). If at least they kept R18 alive to validate old content, it would have been fair enough. Migrating to dmm would be good (and technically rather simple). But these nonces chose the worst course of action, acceptable only if the entire dmm platform went down.

In response to ZENRA's comment

Top 10 Best and Worst Boobjobs in JAV

I was stating that, not asking. They will become useless. 586 movies and 660k yen for me (over 11 months that I was able to buy), out of that 462ish went to these incompetent cunts at DMM and only 198ish to the studios.... Seriously, the one-off migration could probably be done in a few days tops by a single person, it's just ill will on their, thieving part.

Top 10 Best and Worst Boobjobs in JAV

Do you reckon that DMM will do at least a partial u-turn on R18 and keep the site on life support for legacy content? Or is the corporate beast too big and too stubborn? The current read of the FAQ is that even already downloaded content becomes useless.

Top 10 Best and Worst Boobjobs in JAV

Any thoughts on r18 being sent to a farm upstate?

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