All comments of User Moonlight

FC’s Monthly JAV Watch: March 2023

Long list with good details. I am proritizing your must watch ones first. I agree with you on MIDV 236 that setting is trash. However, sex scene (gangbang) is pretty good. She has a beautiful face and I wish her breasts are little bigger. I was fine with HMN 350. I agree with you that Rima is very cute and her body is fine. Threesome scene towards the end makes this movie worth watching for me. Her black fish net stocking was a good choice. ADN 452 is also a good choice. Tbh Yui is not as pretty as other girls in your must watch list but her performance as a slut was really well done. I still need to catch up with other ones in your list. Thank you for the hard work

Pan Takes March 2023 Vol 1

I enjoyed watching JUFE 446. Didnt know about Mina Kitano until now. Her body is really nice. Nice waist line with good size breasts. Her performance was also good. Nice eye contact throughout the video. I guess I am not too bothered with fish eyes. Thank you for a good writing.

S-Tier JAV Agency 8manpro Inactive Actresses Update

Nice writing. I guess it is a trend to change their names whenever they move to a different company.. changing name often confuses me so much.

Pan Takes - July 2022

I liked watching MIAA 664. I agree with Rino outperformed Airi but Airi's face, body, and performance are also great. Their chemistry was good to me although I was hoping to see more interactions between them like kissing or touching each other's body more. I still need to watch other ones in this list. Thank you for the great recommendations

Pan's Spotlight: Alice Otsu

Now you can call me a proud fan of Alice's lol thanks for your recommendations

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