All comments of User Senior Ranger
I've read this "blog" several times over the past two weeks. All I can say is I don't get it. Apparently the JAV business is beyond my comprehension. They say they do not want their intellectual property stolen, yet they make it impossible to purchase everywhere in the entire world except in Japan. If I made desirable cars in Japan, and knockoffs were being sold all over the world because I only sold my cars in Japan, I'd do whatever it took to export my genuine product outside Japan. That would seem to be basic economics, simple supply and demand. A final note on the story of Sumire Mizukawa doing interracial porn. That would seem to be a very lucrative market as there are countless fans of the giant dick/tiny woman films. Add the exotic looks of a beautiful Japanese woman, and it's a no lose proposition. -edited by admin
I'm pleased you're writing about this --- although I'm sad that it needs to be pointed out! This focus on story and good acting is 90% of my attraction to JAV. My adult video introduction came through the typically ridiculous Western "porn" as it's called. If there was any plot at all, it was as simple as a woman's cable TV service fails, the repair guy shows up and they have sex. I've always loved the line from the porn producer, Jackie Treehorn, in the movie "The Big Lebowski." He tells Lebowski: "Yes, regrettably, it’s true. Standards have fallen in adult entertainment." JAV today gives me a story with realistic pacing and usually acting that can be convincing. A good example of this is a 2017 Dreamroom film that I don't have a title for; I don't think Zenra has it. A new widow in mourning is visited by a man who is owed a lot of Yen by the deceased. Apparently, he convinces the widow she is responsible for repayment --- and they agree on a sexual services repayment plan. The woman acts repulsed as this man begins his sexual advance, and this is clear in her facial expressions and body language. However, her hormones get fired up, and she clearly communicates that she wants the sex. As the film progresses, her acting communicates that she needs this man for sex just as much as she needed her now departed husband. It's a beautiful transition to see. While I deplore "chikan," that genre has one of the best acting films I've seen in JAV. I have no idea who made it or when or who the actress is; I've never, ever seen her in anything but this. The scene runs as long as 40 minutes and develops almost painfully slowly. A woman and man are nearly crushed together on a transit bus. As they are jostled about by movement of the bus, their faces get very close. Eventually she starts to glance furtively at him, and eventually she is giving him longing looks. This is not about squeezing as you can see she obviously wants to kiss him. Finally they do kiss, and the more they do the more passionate it becomes. She is timid as each step of the sex continues, but each time she communicates that she wants it. When it's all over she gets off the bus to run home and the man is left forlorn as he obviously wants a relationship with her. All in all, a great little story that you would never see outside JAV. You know every time that man gets on that bus he is looking for her and remembering.... -lightly edited by admin
I looked at the survey and answered a few questions I thought relevant. Some thoughts. 1. Privacy. I have no interest in trusting you (or any other service provider) with personal information. Such information is never secure (as countless leaks and breaches over the years have proven), and it can be used to create profiles for sales and marketing purposes, and this data can be monetized --- but I will never share in such monetizaton. 2. Body Parts. Maybe it's a cultural issue, but I will never understand the raging obsession with body part judgements. Some of your bloggers seem to think of nothing else. In adult video, I can recognize an attractive, sexy body, but different tit sizes, ass shapes, etc. have no effect on whether my dick gets hard or not. The only thing that matters to me is the ability of the actress to communicate some desire. If she can convince me she desperately wants to suck that dick, I'm with her all the way. If she just lies there, bored while some guy uses her pussy as a jerk off tool, I'm off to sleepyland. 3. Celebrity. This may be a cultural issue. It may also be a warped perspective issue. I can't name a single JAV actress and have no interest in who any of them are --- or what agency they are with or what contracts they have or whether they do fan events, or whether they are retiring or coming back, etc. I've watched western AV most of my life, and I can recognize a couple of different actresses, but no more. And I don't care. Again, I want acting ability, not celebrity. Perhaps in the East it's seen differently. But what I suspect is that Zenra is in the business so they know all the ins and outs --- and presume that I also want to know the business ins and outs. I do not. 4. Unrelated. Some general criticisms. Your video descriptions (They are not reviews, per se.) are weak and generally not well written. Perhaps that's a translations issue. However, they are too wordy generally and usually contain lots of information I don't care about. I don't want to know what other videos a particular actress was in and how she performed there vs here or whether she is better or worse or whether the writer likes her tits or ass, etc. It it's a bisected film, as many are, I want to know the specific differences between part one and part two. That helps me make an informed buying decision. I'm also not interested in a history lesson on the genre or the studio that produced the film. Oh, and the charts on your ratings are often wrong --- a 10 should have 10 marks, not nine, etc. Okay, that should give you a bit to chew on for now. Thanks for asking.
The contrast between awkward/shy/inexperienced and savagely dick inebriated in one beautiful woman is always a winning formula.
As much as I would like it to be otherwise, tiny titties rarely make the big time. You may be the greatest outfielder of all time, but if you can't hit a curve ball, you're never going to the hall of fame.