All comments of User Senior Ranger
I guess you can style "erotic" in many different ways. For me, there is only one thing that makes a film genuinely arousing sexually. You can have the most beautiful actors, the greatest director, the most skillful camera operator and the sexiest costumes, but if the woman doesn't communicate that she's enthusiastically into it, I'm going back to my Solitaire game. That's why I value acting talent and skill so highly in my comments on films.
I agree. However, I think the humor, such as it is, often goes unrecognized or unappreciated outside Japanese culture. What originally attracted me to JAV is the "over-the top" and often outright bizarre plots and situations. As a writer I highly value creativity. After all, just watching dicks pound pussies can get boring pretty quickly. Perhaps more important than the humor is how JAV humanizes sex in all forms and for all people. Normalizing desire and fulfillment is a good thing for a fundamental human activity that is often scandalized, especially in Western cultures. I'm a big fan and do what I can to promote JAV on social media platforms. Thanks for expanding availability beyond the home islands! Maybe in another life I'll run a creative JAV company and spend my free time in stationery stores amid beautiful fountain pens, lovely inks and endless paper varieties.
Anticipation is joy borrowed from the future. -Brilliant Bill
Squid? A term I've recently seen but can't figure!