
Hi there! I'm Gargoyle. A JAV fanatic from India. Yep, you read it correctly India! I usually blog about the top JAVs I watched and give recommendations. I'm a developer by day and a blogger by night. I publish my JAV articles here on ZENRA. I adore Ririko Kinoshita. I'm more of a butt guy than a boob fan, I like my idols tall, and slender. You can reach out to me from the comment section on any post I publish. Arigato!

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Gargoyle suggests some good JAVs he watched in April 2021
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Gargoyle suggests some good JAVs he watched in March 2021
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Gargoyle suggests some good JAVs he watched in February 2021
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ZENRA's Gargoyle lists down the best JAVs he watched in January 2021
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Gargoyle ranks his top 5 massage parlor JAVs for ZENRA
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Gargoyle ranks and recommends his top picks for the month of December 2020
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ZENRA's PikaPika suggests some good JAVs he watched in November 2020
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In this blog post PikaPika the newest writer at ZENRA gives his top 5 JAV recommendations for everyone to watch and get to know him better

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