Anton’s Fetifes Adventure: Chapter 6 - Ayaka Mochizuki V. Noa Amaharu!

Published : June 29th, 2024 Written by Anton Algren

When last we left our intrepid reporter friend, his toesies were terribly tuckered out from all that standing around, and were thus looking forward to a welcome respite at the fourth and final show of the Fetish Festival. But then, alas, once he came to the show, he was informed that, as press, he was not allowed to rest his weary footsie wootsies, and as such, uh, well, his toesies and footsies were pretty much fucked. And so he leaned against a wall, before slowly lowering himself down, down, down, until he found himself fully seated on the carpet flooring, where another fellow was seated not much further down the wainscotting beside him.

Said lad chanced a glance at our reporter, wondering aloud why he wasn’t seated with the other spectators. And when the reporter held up his press badge, the gentleman grinned and said “Ah, yes, me too.” He was also press, there to take pictures of each show, and his toesie wosies were even more tired than those of the reporter. That’s three times we’ve used the word “toesies” in a ZENRA article. Can we keep getting away with it? We’re not actually sure. But moving on.

This show was the MochiNoa: Gloves Off! Catfight of Twisted Love☆ show. June Lovejoy’s official English description of it (courtesy of the Tokyo Love District) reads as such:

[Top JAV actresses Ayaka and Noa will be duking it out in this fiery catfight! The gloves (and more?) are coming off in this no-limits match! What will they do?! Who will win?! You’ll have to watch to find out!!]

“Say!” quethe ye. “Ayaka? Surely not… Ayaka Mochizuki? Didn’t June promise that reporter guy that she was one of the JAV actresses he might encounter at this event?” And it’s true, the two sexy fighting girls who would be fighting in this match were none other than Ayaka Mochizuki and Noa Amaharu. Our reporter had never heard of these ladies until this Fetish Festival, and somehow completely missed their booths on the 6th floor when he’d been there to get his picture taken with Mion Hazuki. Still, it’s probably for the best. He’d already dropped a decent amount of change on pictures with actresses, and since those didn’t involve receipts and thus couldn’t be invoiced, it was better that he didn’t end up spending any more.

Ayaka came out in a sexy bunny outfit, while Noa was dressed in… well it’s actually a bit difficult to describe exactly what she was wearing. But it involved bleached hair and quite a lot of glitter, and for some reason an ofuda (the sort of seal you use against demons and such). And after the pair greeted all those in attendance and thanked all their fans, the match began.

You all might remember that time our reporter wrote a story covering the Sexy Fighting Girls match a year ago. Indeed, that was where and when he first met June Lovejoy, who invited him to this Fetifes in the first place. So you might be anticipating a fun play-by-play of this match. Unfortunately, unlike in previous shows, this match allowed not just photography, but flash photography, so just as the shit-talking between the two opponents began (not even when the proper fighting started), our reporter’s eyes were assaulted by a flurry of flashes, clicking and whirring all around him and making his eyes terribly sore. Our reporter hadn’t expected this show to require an epilepsy warning, but this wrestling match was very much in need of one, and so while he did his best to take pictures and dutifully scrawl down the events of the match as they happened, sadly he will not be able to give you all the level of coverage he could during his last sexy wrestling event. Seriously, do you remember that sex scene in Simon Sez? Well that’s basically what this wrestling event was like. Oh who are we kidding? Nobody remembers that movie.

The trash talking segment basically set the tone for how the whole match would proceed. Ayaka and Noa both tried to appear big and threatening to one another, but whenever the talk got too intense they would end up corpsing and breaking character whilst breaking into laughter. It let everyone know that despite trying to appear like they hated one another, ultimately this was a friendly bout between pals, and the audience shouldn’t take it too seriously.

When the fight started, Ayaka threw her bunny ears at Noa to get the drop on her. Unfortunately Noa threw her ofuda, and while the former is a neat accessory, the latter has mystic sealing powers, so Ayaka was powerless as Noa grappled with her and undid her top. Thankfully for Ayaka she had bandaids covering her naughty bits, but the bikini top dangling around her throat would later prove Ayaka’s undoing, and she failed to take the opportunity to fully discard it.

After escaping the ofuda’s seal, Ayaka wrestled with Noa for a bit. Plenty of pussy-rubbing, spanking, and camel clutch grinding occurred, until at last Ayaka had Noa on the ground and worked the crowd up into a frenzy.

“Hey everybody, let’s count!” she shouted, and with each seismic spank she delivered to Noa’s delicate bum, the audience counted up. Noa finally managed to struggle free, and fled into the crowd, shouting madly like Peter Lorre in Casablanca.

“Hide me, Rick! Hide me!” she screamed as she searched in vain for someone who would save her. But there was no respite to be found, and soon Ayaka was dragging Noa back out onto the mat for more spankings. It looked hopeless, until Noa noticed the dangling bikini top, just within her reach.

Quick as a wink Noa grabbed the top and twisted it. “There’s something I’d like you to get off your chest.” She grinned as Ayaka gagged, and it looked like Noa had gained the upper hand, as the pair proceeded to grapple and trade blows with one another. But then just as Noa had done to her, Ayaka ripped off Noa’s top, and unlike Ayaka Noa was not wearing any protective bandaids. She was completely nude from the waist up, and remained so for the rest of the match, and as she squealed and moved to preserve her modesty Ayaka got the drop on her and sunk her fingers into Noa’s nostrils like a bowling ball.

Eyes widened in the audience as Ayaka yanked the nostrils as hard as she could, and our reporter pondered on what a glad thing it was that in a wrestling match with top-ripping and nose-yanking, at least there was no hair-pulling, you know? Such conduct would have been unsporting.

It was with Noa’s nose in her hand that Ayaka managed to subdue her opponent and declare victory, and as a reward for her triumph, she was handed a whip, whilst a whimpering Noa crawled away quickly to hide underneath the seat of an audience member.

“Rick, hide me,” she whimpered, before a grinning Ayaka pulled her back out onto the mat by her panties and delivered a crack of the whip. In actual fact, the whipping was weak. Ayaka was being very gentle with Noa, yet even so the blows were enough to make her squeal. The audience told her to buck up, and Ayaka asked them to count down with her as she charged up power for a super whip. The countdown began, and despite Noa’s protests, when it reached zero Ayaka smacked that ass with all the whip’s might.

Noa stood up to give a speech explaining how she would do better, but whilst she did so Ayaka began to dance erotically, even getting on the floor at one point and making sexy bicycle motions with her legs. We’re still not quite sure what the point of this was, but it might have been to make sure Ayaka remained the center of attention even as the audience was supposed to be watching Noa. If that’s the case, it certainly worked on our reporter.

After Noa, a masked MC came up to give a final speech, while Noa and Ayaka competed for bills which they jerked off before stuffing into their panties and mouths. And with that, the match was over.

However, lest you think this is the end of the story, there remains one last chapter to the tale of this reporter and his toesies. One final epilogue to this fantastic epic. We’ll see you then, in the thrilling conclusion of this tired toesie tale.

Social media links for the two wrestlers:

Ayaka Mochizuki (

Noa Amaharu (


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