Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

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An AV activist, Yukiko Kaname has been stirring up quite the storm in the scene, lately. Read on to find out more about her!
We look at some actresses who have gone missing in action and the chances of them coming back.
As spring rolls on, Miko Mizusawa, Arina Hashimoto and Momoka Kato who have been inactive come back to JAV work
Rin Azuma’s second transplant in six month is a milestone for Faleno, it's the next major move in the David vs. Goliah epic battle
It’s been seven months and fifteen days, since you took your lovely breasts away. 8Man Pro teased a major announcement tomorrow (Feb 19) by now it's all but confirmed that it's...
Another Star is Born! Kaoru Yasui 安位カヲル debuts, resurrects Muteki. Muteki had not had a debutant for 3 full years, and only 1 title in 2018. Who is this bombshell to bring Muteki out of the deep?
A look back on 2020 from JAV stars on Twitter; Cute, fun, and bizarre posts compiled for you!
Crazy Back Stories: stud recruited delivery health professional Miu Konoha to JAV by ... delivery health; Wan Horikita joined JAV because boyfriends and hook-ups didn't do it for her, how about bondage?
Career Movements: Natsuko Mishima retires, Asahi Mizuno unretires not, Rin Azuma transplants w/o cut, Hina Nanami quits agency, Haruka Nogi is new name, Akari Neo signs forthly, Fumika Nakayama returns quietly
Mei Miyajima began her JAV career with a plan, make two titles to fund her international study plan and retire after 100 days. But fans chant a magic spell and brought her back to JAV
Often dubbed as "young JULIA", Sakura Miura is nowhere to be seen for a while now. We find out her latest whereabouts in this article. Read on!
September is a great month for hot debutants: on this day three sets of busty new stars collides: Momoko Koharu is a NEET, Yukino Nagisa is a big girl, Kanon Ibuki is a model type = all together a whopping 283cm of breasts

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