Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

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Career Movement: Tomoe Nakamura’s asshole open for business, Rena Momozono unretires, still as boin as ever
Risa Kujyo is a 19 year old girl almost-virgin but is she a virgin, not a virgin or a veteran? Yukino Nagasawa comes from high class society but when it comes to sex, all she know of is the rought kind
Crazy JAV Backstory: Sora Minamino has scandals that everyone knows, Hiroka Suzuno a celeb but no one remembers
The Japanese blogosphere is boiling with excitement and speculation over S1's big reveal of a big bust beauty tomorrow. Some fans wish this is the return of Rara Anzai lately missing in action, but we know the answer already.
Mana Sakura: Porn Star and Feminist Writer
JAV Career Movement: Meguri reveals reason for suspending filming: having her eggs freezed for future pregnancy; Sora Kamikawa planning idol retires after a two years career, un-banning anal sex and double penetration for the occasion.
Who was Sora Shiina before she decided to do JAV? And why did she so publicly reveal her real name to all her fans?
Crazy JAV Backstory: a Tale of Two Virgins: Satomi Honda and Yui Amame
In this darkest of years, a bright star is born! Before you accuse me of early euphoria, check out this very legit celebrity (and haafu) turned JAV idol Riri Nanatsumori to debut with S1, is she the next Yua Mikami?
Crazy JAV Backstory: Karen Otoha flight attendant takes a bath, decides to make porn instead; Minami Shiratori wife of Italian lover, not can't find hook-up due to pandemic, decides to make porn. Gotta love these backstories
JAV Career Movements: Oppai bounced JULIA and Matsuri Kiritani, greps busty newb Haru Kawamura
Long time S1 exclusive star Nami Hoshino is retiring after a successful eight years JAV career, moving on to next phase of life according to her own plan, to open own business

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