Mao Watanabe: New SOD Star debutant responds to being doxxed
Being doxxed is an occupation hazard for a JAV girl. And nowhere is the risk more prevalent now in the (short) history of the JAV industry than the current times where people have immediate access to the Internet through their smartphone to cross-reference a familiar face they seen somewhere, either from a photo in an online article or a selfie posted on social media.
So it is with our new debutant Mao Watanabe (渡辺まお) that was first mentioned by yours truly in my earlier article about host club. Apparently she is a literature major at Waseda University (早稲田大学) and engages in various public services including public speaking. Such elements naturally lead to her inevitable doxxing soon after her debut in May.
Various rumors soon arise as to why she had entered the trade. Accounts vary including that one previous mentioned theory that she had spurge big on host clubs and got herself in debt, enough that she had a stint in a soap joint before being recruited into the industry. But this article will not dwell on such baseless speculation without conclusive evidence. Instead, we will concentrate on her response to this unfortunate incident.
When doxxed, some actresses will cut their career short, beat a hasty retirement, and take flight. Others will refuse to comment, keep mum, and just ignored everything. But Watanabe chooses to stand her ground, face the fact, and fight it out in a unusual show of bravado.
She, being the literature major that she is, posted two uniquely strongly worded comments on her Twitter and Instagram accounts that I will translate and interpret to the best of my ability.
On her Twitter account, she wrote the following
— 渡辺まお (@watanabe_maoo) June 14, 2020
"Yes, I'm a student at Waseda University. Now that you have heard this straight from me, how do you make of it is up to you. But I've always loved a good challenge.
I'm not weaponizing the University name by revealing it, just wanting to set some of the rumors that are been making round the net straight. I must point out that there's a boundary between reality and fiction, please remember that. I look forward to our times together."
Her Instagram comments were even more forthcoming with her thoughts.
"I've been thinking, why do you need so much information about others to get on with your life.
As an example, Think about how much time have you been investing in investigating my past. Now that you have found out the name of my university, what use do you have of it ? You could have got something better out of all the effort, such as improving upon a recipe of ramen or come up with a small life hack.
Now, be it an idol, a talent, a JAV actress, or what have you. Just because they have something of a prominent career that exposed them to the media, does it give others the right to scrutinise details about them down to most minute level ? And while their personality is rooted in reality, part of those may be mired in fantasy. Remember that.
Everyone, if you hate something, just let it go. Don't waste any more time on it. Those can be put into something more enjoyable. Life can be much better lived that way."
Brave words and attitude as could be expected from one so highly educated, considering that an elite institute such as Waseda might not take kindly to being associated with her.
And as a further show of defiance, Watanabe gone on record with an interview with a tabloid and even continue with her periodical live Q&A session over Twitcast. Naturally, there are trolls posing questions about her private life obtained from her dox over her Twitcasting session. She refuses to take the bait and ignored them.
It is perhaps a good thing that she possesses such a rebellious spirit as her real name had become a trend on google search that had been tied to her JAV persona.
What life have in store for her remains to be seen.
By WoodOfTheRisingSun @ February 18th, 2021
By WoodOfTheRisingSun @ September 6th, 2020