More Than Sex: An Opinion on Kisses in JAVs

Hello everyone! vienna here, with something quite different today. Not the usual toplist, no-oh, but a dish much more adequate for the kind gentlemen that browse ZENRA’s blog on a daily basis. Today, my dear sirs, we are going to talk about kisses – that’s right: kisses. Kisses in JAVs, of course. But vienna, why would we ever want to talk about… well, kisses? What there’s to say about kisses in Japanese pornography (and pornography in general) that would seek our attention to the point of create a whole piece on the blog for us to discuss it, as the fine and cultured men and women we are?
If you know me, I like to discuss all sort of things related to pornography and JAV. We gave a fair look at many aspects related to the production of JAV to the point of creating a series of articles that allow us to determine, through certain criteria, the quality of a JAV. Of course, as much as that series, The Model of Pleasure, was created with a playful undertone, there are paragraphs of a relatively technical nature in which I express opinions that I truly believe in. We've discussed behind-the-scenes, technical quality, costumes, settings, and, most importantly, sex -- but we haven't discussed what generally comes before sex. Teasing, kisses, sexy playtime which doesn’t necessarily mean sex itself and so on. I’d like to dive into the “almost-sex” that comes before sex, if this makes sense to you. I want to give an in-depth look at kisses in the context of JAVs, and I’d like to do this little research of mine with you all. So, let’s dive right into it!
Check out the trailer of the movie here!
Put on some lipstick. Fire red, purple, pink: the brighter the color, the better. There's something really magical that kisses in JAVs manage to convey to me unlike Western pornography, but it's very difficult to represent in words. As far as high-end Western pornography is concerned - which I appreciate, let's be clear, just as I appreciate Japanese-made pornography - I've always found that very little importance is given to everything that comes before sex: narrative, setting, just to name a few of the most iconic, are ignored or at least under-considered in favor of a total or semi-total focus on sex scenes, which obviously occupy most of the screentime. And it's right, in the end: not only does the target audience require it and impose it for market logic, but it's also true that we're all here for cocks and pussy, and not for teenage kissing. And yet, the mature, experienced adult knows that in the context of a sexual relationship there is more than just fish and nets, balls and baskets; in fact, there is much more.
Sex is by no means relegated solely to penetration or oral endeavor but is also declined in its more romantic and intimate consummations: kisses, for example, almost always introduce what will be a, presumably, good sexual relationship. From my point of view, there is no sex without an abundant and energetic session of kissing, each of which is accompanied by little touches, sweet or dirty words, and movements of eros. It is important to appreciate sexual intercourse in its entirety, from beginning to end, and to understand the central role of kissing and pre-sex in the consummation of intercourse. JAV literature is replete with highly successful films that make sensual relationships introduced by extensive kissing scenes, which are explored with ingenuity and emotion, a critical element to the benefit of their quality.
The type of kisses I find the most attractive ever just the lesbian ones. Just to give you an idea, R18 offers an entire category dedicated to Lesbian Kissing -- which is all to say how much this kind of thing is sought after by the audience and aficionados. Lesbian kissing is extremely sensual, heartfelt, participatory; you can almost feel it from the screen when watching a JAV, as a viewer, and it's truly amazing. As much as I love the penetration scenes or the "classic sex", even after years as a loyal JAV viewer, there are some things that engage me more than others, and the lesbian kissing scenes are one of them. Every kiss, every bite on the lips, every caress on the cheek is a boulder thrown on the heart of the viewer, whose attention towards the vision radically increases moment by moment. If there's one way to capture the viewer's attention in a JAV, other than showing off nice tits or a nice ass, it's to showcase a romantic kissing scene between two beautiful girls who are really "feeling the moment," if you know what I mean.
And when these actresses are really capable and talented in what they do, even from a technical point of view, then the scene is even more exciting and fantastic, and really manages to drag you into an abyss where eroticism and sentimentality mix to give life to strong and unique emotions. It is also important to emphasize that there are different types of kisses: there are those deliberately calm and cautious, almost shy, typical in films that depict, for example, youthful couples or power relationships between the participants (teacher-student and so on); there are, then, the kisses dictated by the eagerness, the desire to figuratively eat the other, to devour and undress him: the kiss becomes an instrument of possession, like impenetrable handcuffs that bind the two in a magnificent act of passion.
Check out the trailer of the movie here!
Now, take for instance EVIS-372, a movie released early this October. This film, which is particularly crowded with actresses and makes weirdness its strong point, outlines a remarkably different representation of kissing than those we have investigated so far. Okay, kisses can be exaggeratedly sensual and provocative; or, alternatively, they can be "furious," dense with eros and sexual charge, as is most often the case in pornographic literature. But as the Ebisusan Study teaches us, kisses can also be so much more if they are meant to accept crossovers with literal horse-like face licks. Some people like them, for goodness sake, I don't so much, but I found this film to be of overpowering particularity, so much so that I almost felt compelled to tell you about it. The licks (not just on the face or lips of the actresses, mind you) for this film are a focal point of the entertainment offered to the viewer. Licks of the face, on the mouth, on the nose, "investigations focused on specific parts of the body" and much more partially replace what are the kisses. Well, but couldn't such licks be referred to as a form of kissing? Surely, it's not really kissing when a girl takes your entire nose and shoves it in her mouth, but I think that 'kissing' is the closest definition to that sort of thing. And again, these are strange and uncharacteristic configurations for Japanese pornography, although there are many such JAVs around. Now tell me, are you guys kissers or face lickers? And if you're the face-licking type, why exactly do you get so excited about things like this? In my opinion, it's a matter of "daring". No one would ever think of going up next to a pretty girl and licking her face -- if you know what I mean. It's such a special thing that, for a few moments, I too felt... excited. But enough about licking now, even though I actually recommend that movie.
In any case, that was my… point. I really just wanted to at least try to explain why I like kisses so much, and why I think they are a core component of my enjoyment in JAVs.
That’s it for today, boys. As always, it has been a pleasure to be with you once again and thank you so much for sticking with me until the very end. Writing this article was such a fun experiment, and I definitely hope to do more pieces like this in the near future. Having said this, please let me know what you think in the comments – feel free to share your thoughts and engage with me: I always appreciate your comments. But for now, stay safe and stay hungry for more JAV pieces on the blog!
I am definitely set on exploring the topic further in the near future. This article was mostly an experiment so it's shorter and less meaty than initially planned, but given the interest we'll definitely see a sequel with more examples and elaboration!
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