Now hiring writers for the ZENRA Blog

Published : October 15th, 2020 Written by ZENRA

We are hiring more writers for the ZENRA blog.  If you enjoy what you read, have confidence you can write pieces like it, and would like to earn money doing it, please contact us using the support form on our site.  Whether you only have time for one submission a month or ten, if you write well and are personable, we’ll probably take you on.  Knowing Japanese is not needed, but being a lover of JAV and knowledgeable about it along with being able to write at the native English level is required.  First impressions count!

Contact us here.



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jackfromdownunder 3 years ago
I'll give it a shot, I like JAV have my favourite genre like everyone else - discovered JAV after my first trip to Japan about six years.Are the writings random done by the writers or allocated by management?
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AnimalFreak 3 years ago
Good day, I have been following JAV for well over 10 years now. I cast my mind back to the days when I first watched Anna Ohura - Maximum Bust, somehow got a copy from a random person at a LAN and the rest is history. I enjoy writing, gaming and following JAV. I originally stumbled upon Panking through /r Javdownload and have followed his posts ever since as his tastes in JAV models are similar to mine and his reviews are very well put together.I dont have much else to say, I'm Australian and have a Bachelors degree w/ honours at a english speaking university.Take CareDave
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ZENRA 3 years ago

I tried to email you, but your address bounced. Please contact us using the contact form on the site.

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